Home Legal News Gujarat High Court declines to grant permission for Jagannath Rath Yatra in Ahmedabad for the third time in a Midnight Hearing

Gujarat High Court declines to grant permission for Jagannath Rath Yatra in Ahmedabad for the third time in a Midnight Hearing

by Shreya
jagannath Rath yatra

The Gujarat High Court in a midnight hearing for a third time declined to give permission for the conduct of the Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra this year at Ahmedabad in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Bench of Chief Justice VikramNath and Justice JB Pardiwala passed the order.

jagannath rath yatra
Justice J B Pardiwala
Justice JB Pardiwala

Late at night, today, High Court was urged to review its stay order passed on 20 June on the Yatra and allow the same to happen in Ahmedabad by the state of Gujarat.

The State in its application had emphasized on the present pandemic situation in Ahmedabad.

Considering the religious sentiments attached to the 142-year old tradition involved in the regular conduct of the RathYatra every year in the city, and hence modifications in the  order halting its conduct was urged to the High Court.

In defence, the Gujarat Government pointed the modifications done in  the earlier order of the Supreme Court  on the issue with a view to balancing the interests of religious sentiments and public safety amid the pandemic situation in Odisha.

ALSO READ- Gujarat HC stays lord jagannath’sRathyatra due to covid19 pandemic following supreme court’s suit

Likewise, the High Court was urged to allow the Yatra’s conduct in Ahmedabad as done in Odhisha while unconditionally undertaking to strictly abide by various safety measures.

The safety measures included the following Guidelines:

1. The imposition of a curfew from 9 pm on Monday to 11 am on Tuesday,

2. The condition that the RathYatra will be completed by 11 am on Monday.

3. A condition that the Yatra will not stop at any place till it returns to the Jagannath Temple at Jamalpur after having gone uptoRanchodji Temple at Saraspur, Ahmedabad.

4. Only three chariots (Raths) will be permitted to go for the Yatra

5.There will be mechanised vehicles to pull the chariots to make the movement faster.

6. Only five persons will be allowed to attend per chariot while maintaining social distancing norms.

7. Only four vehicles will be allowed to accompany the jagannath Rath Yatra. Two will be utilised by religious leaders and the remaining two will be utilised by the media while mandating all social distancing norms.

8. Local TV channels will enable the live telecast of the jagannath Rath Yatra for devotees so that they don’t have to come outside.

9. Police personnel will bar present throughout.

10. There will be no usage of animals.

11. Distribution of Prasad will not be allowed in any manner.

Seeking a stay on the order of the Court on 20 June which had clarified that the jagannnath Rath Yatra cannot be conducted in Ahmedabad amid the COVID-19 pandemic was moved in the Gujarat High Courtbesides the State’s plea and the three Intervention Applications with allied prayers on the evening of 22 June.

ALSO READ- In a turnaround, SC allows JagannathRathYatra at Puri on conditions

These pleas were curated when the High Court had declined permission to conduct the Ahmedabad Jagannath Rath Yatra a second time on 22 June and were moved when the Supreme Court nodded  for the conduct of the annual jagannath Rath Yatra at Puri, Odisha on Monday.

Subject to comply with certain conditions imposed by the Supreme Court for the safe conduct of the Jagannath Rath Yatra amid the pandemic, the Permission was granted.

Read the Civil Application moved by the Gujarat Government:

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