The Allahabad HC issued a direction that all subordinate courts and tribunals apart from the ones in containment zone shall be functional from April 20.
The Registrar General intimated that all the Courts subordinate to Allahabad High Court and all Commercial Courts, Motor Accident Claims Tribunals and Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Authorities across the State will be opened from 20th April, 2020 for working, where court campuses are situated outside of the containment zones.
All the District Judges/POs have been directed to obtain written report from the District Magistrate regarding status of their court campus in respect of containment zone. All lockdown measures and social distancing norms will be followed very strictly.
The officers/staff residing in the containment zones shall be exempted from their duties and will follow the lockdown principles.
April 20 is the date set by the Central government for review of the present situation with regards to the grant of some relaxation.
In this regard, PM Modi had said:
“Till 20 April, all districts, localities, states will be closely monitored, as to how strictly they are implementing norms. In States with no increase of hotpots, they could be allowed to let some important activities resume, but with certain conditions.”