The Madhya Pradesh SLSA (State Legal Services Authority) has launched a Help Line No. 15100, for coordinating and rendering all possible help.
The Madhya Pradesh SLSA has also, in coordination with the DLSAs, set up ‘Legal Aid Camps’ with a help desk facility at the inter-district and inter-state check posts.
In order to continue the smooth service, the SLSA has requested the concerned District Judges to take up the cause with the Collector and SP for issuance of movement pass to the PLVs, who will work on a rotation basis, and ensure that all the norms of social distancing are followed.

The authority has also requested the Principal Secretary, Law & Legislative Affairs Department, to consider the possibility of providing safe night shelters, such as at vacant tribal hostels, to women migrants.
The SLSA has directed the Secretaries of the DSLSAs to send a feedback report of number of persons, nature of services extended and expenses incurred on a daily basis so that the information may be compiled and sent to NALSA.