A complaint has recently been filed before a court in Muzaffarpur, Bihar against Baba Ramdev and Acharya Balkrishna for Patanjali’s purported cure for COVID-19, Coronil.
The complaint has been filed by Tamanna Hashmi, who claims to be a social worker.
The complaint includes the commission of offences under Sections 420, 120B, 270 and 504of the Indian Penal Code.
In her complaint, Hashmi stated that as Ramdev and Balkrishna failed to provide details of Coronil to the Ayush Ministry, they have now been stopped from advertising the tablet.This leaves a question on the status of the alleged cure.
It is contended that Ramdev and Balkrishna conspired to betray and cheat the Ayush Ministry, as well as the entire nation, and intentionally took such a dangerous step which in turn threatens the life of lakhs of people.
Read the complaint here: