A single Judge Bench of Justice Prathiba M Singh of Delhi HC has directed Delhi University to consider again its course structures and the eligibility criteria. It has also been directed to modify the same in view of interdisciplinarity in modern education.

In the present case, the Petitioner argued that the exclusion of Computer Science from the eligibility criteria was irrational, arbitrary and defied logic as for studying Physics, a knowledge of Computer Science would be very relevant. While the score in Physics was considered to be relevant for admission to the B.Sc. (Hons.) program in Computer Science, the vice- versa was not true.The Petitioner thus sought the addition of Computer Science as one of the subjects for calculation of the aggregate that was considered for deciding the merit list.
DU contended that the entire challenge was bereft of merit as the Bulletin of Information was released in June 2020, but the challenge was made only after the Class XII results were announced. As per University Grants Commission’s regulations, a mandatory 60 days period was to be given before notifying any change in the eligibility criteria.
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Delhi University also pleaded that there was sufficient logic and rationale behind the non-inclusion of Computer Science and only experts ought to be allowed to take decisions in these kinds of situations.
The Court noted that the relevance of Computer Science in an undergraduate Physics course need not be emphasized and said,
Any course in Physics would require teaching of Computer Science. In the counter affidavit of Delhi University itself, it is admitted that computer programming is taught in the B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics course to students..Thus, the non-inclusion of Computer Science as part of the subjects for calculation of merit for admission, does not stand to reason.
Reiterating that the rules of the game cannot be changed after the race has begun, the Court remarked,
“At this stage, directing Computer Science to be added to the eligibility criteria for B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics would upset the apple cart, i.e. various students may be disadvantaged and various students like the Petitioner would obtain an advantage..Most students who wish to seek admission in B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics course in DU would be more than aware that Computer Science will not be counted in calculating merit. They would have undertaken their preparation and given the examination in the said backdrop.”
The Court ordered in furtherance to this,
Delhi University is directed to take a relook at its course structures and the eligibility criteria and modify the same, well within time, so that students like the Petitioner are not put to hardship in the forthcoming academic years. Needless to add, the same would have to be done in complete compliance of the applicable regulations and after seeking approvals, as per the statutes applicable to the University.
Accordingly the petition was disposed of.