Home Legal News BCI to Move SC for Mandatory 3 Years Experience at Bar to be eligible for Judicial Service Exam

BCI to Move SC for Mandatory 3 Years Experience at Bar to be eligible for Judicial Service Exam

by Shreya
BCI LLM exam

The Bar Council of India is set to file an application in the SC seeking modification of the order allowing fresh law graduates to become judicial officers.

BCI and the State Bar Councils stated that they strongly favour the requirement of a 3 year minimum experience at the bar as an eligibility to sit for judicial service exam. The press release of BCI stated,”Judicial officers not having practical experience at the bar are mostly found to be incapable and inept at handling matters”.

The reason behind this, as stated by the BCI is that judicial officers lack understanding of the aspirations and expectations of advocates and litigants in a proper and decent manner and such officers are sometimes found impolite and impractical in their behaviour with members of the bar and litigants.

The BCI stated its primary reason was inexperience of young judicial officers after judicial service exam at bar leading to delays in disposal of cases and further added “The inexperience at the Bar is one of the primary and major reasons for delays in the disposal of cases in the sub-ordinate Judiciary Trained and experienced judicial officers can comprehend and dispose of matters at a much faster pace, thereby leading to efficient administration of justice”.

The BCI said that it will soon file an application to seek a modification of the order passed by the Supreme Court in 2002 in the case All India Judges Association v Union of India which removed the requirement of 3 year experience at bar for appearing for judicial service examinations.

The BCI said that it is filing another application to seek impleadment in the said matter as a party to “plead in favour of urgency and requirement to have a minimum 3 year experience at the Bar as a requirement to be eligible to sit in Judicial Service Exam”.

Read the Press Release here:

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