About National Essay Writing Competition
Lex Jura presents to you the 1st Lex Jura National Essay Writing Competition.
- The Competition is open to all the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, in any stream, enrolled in any recognized institution/University in India.
- Theme– Essays on any subject having a legal framework shall be accepted.
- The essay must be submitted in English language only and must be in Microsoft Word Format (.doc/.docx).
- Only one submission per author is permitted. Co- authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors per essay.
- All entries should include a cover page specifying name of the author, institutional affiliation, course and year of study, e-mail address and contact number.
- Any identifying information should not be mentioned anywhere in the text of the essay and violation of the same shall lead to immediate disqualification.
- Plagiarism of any nature will attract immediate disqualification.
- The suggested word limit for the essay is 1500-2000 words inclusive of citations.
- Every essay must have a title and an abstract. (150 words).
- Abstract and the Essay should be sent in one doc/docx file.
- Every citation must follow the Harvard Bluebook, 19th Edition.
- The essays must contain the format provided on the last page of the brochure.
- The essay should be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size-12, Line Spacing-1.5, and Justified.
- The footnotes must be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size-10 and Line Spacing-1.
- The margins should be 1 inch or 2.54 cm on all sides.
- SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: The essay must be sent by email only to lexessaysubmission@gmail.com with the subject “Submission for 1st Lex Jura National Essay Writing Competition”. The participants are also required to register by clicking here.
- Last Date of Submission: 30th April, 2020 by 11:59 pm.
- Declaration of result:- 3rd May, 2020.
- Content Originality: 50%
- Language and Grammar: 20%
- Structure: 30 %
- Winner- Rs.1000/-
- Runner up- Rs.500/-
- Top 10 papers would be published by us on our website lexjura.in as a blog.
- The result of the competition will be announced via email to the participants
- A certificate of participation shall be emailed to all the participants who have successfully submitted an essay.
- The participants are required to register by clicking here.
- A payment of Rs.150/- (for single author) and Rs. 200/- (in case of co-authorship) needs to be made via paytm/gpay/phonpe @7838797104 (Aparna Tripathi).
- Aparna Tripathi (+91-7838797104)
- lexjuralawjournal@gmail.com