Guidelines: Call for Papers
- All submissions must be sent to editor@lexbonafide.com. The subject of the e-mail should be “Submission: Article”.
- Co-authorship is permitted (maximum of 2 authors).
- All the entries must be typewritten. Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Citation Font Size: 10 & Line Spacing: 1.5.
- Word limit for Shot Article is – 1200-1500 words
and for Long Articles – 2000-2500 Words. - The submission must be made only in *.doc or *.docx format.
- All footnotes must be in conformity with the latest Bluebook Edition.
- The Article must include an Abstract.
- The content should be original work of the writer and shouldn’t be under consideration of any other journal or similar platform.
- Submissions with plagiarized content (More than 20%) and copyright issues will be rejected outrightly.
Email:- support@lexbonafide.com
Mob.:- 9109095386