The Harvard Law Review welcomes submissions of Articles, Essays, and Book Reviews. The Harvard Law Review requests that contributors comply with the following standards:
Electronic Submission
Encourage contributors to submit their manuscripts through our electronic submission system, preferably in Microsoft Word format. Alternatively, you may submit a hard copy by mail; please address all manuscripts to: Articles Office, Harvard Law Review, Gannett House, 1511 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138. Please note that we will not accept articles submitted via email.
Length Limitations
The Review strongly prefers articles under 25,000 words in length including text, footnotes, and appendices. Length in excess of 30,000 words will weigh significantly against selection. Only in rare cases will we unconditionally accept articles over 37,500 words. For background regarding the Review’s length policy, please see a joint letter issued by a number of law journals across the country.
Anonymous Review
To facilitate our anonymous review process, please confine your name, affiliation, biographical information, and acknowledgments to a separate cover page. Please include the manuscript’s title on the first text page.
Citation Format
Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to the 20th edition of the Bluebook.
Expedited Review
If you would like to request an expedited review of your submission, please refer to the unique link provided to you in your Submission Confirmation Email. If you did not receive this message, be sure to check your Spam / Junk folder.
The Harvard Law Review Forum
Information on the Harvard Law Review Forum, the online companion to the print journal.