Home Law StudentsCall for Papers Call for Chapters for Edited book by MediateGuru on “A Pathway to the Future of ADR: Comparative Perspectives from Around the World”: Submit by 31st March 2021

Call for Chapters for Edited book by MediateGuru on “A Pathway to the Future of ADR: Comparative Perspectives from Around the World”: Submit by 31st March 2021

by admin
Call for Chapters

Call for Chapters: Editor of the Book “A Pathway to the Future of ADR: Comparative Perspectives from Around the World” are:

– Prof. Dr. Bryan Clark (Professor of Law and Civil Justice at Newcastle University, U.K.)

– Dr. Ashu Dhiman (Assistant Professor at Centre for Legal Studies, giBS India)

Ms. Amanda J. Lee (Arbitrator and Founder of Careers in Arbitration, U.K.)

– W. Patrick McPhilamy, III (Lawyer, Mediator and Arbitrator at The Law Office of W. Patrick McPhilamy, III – U.S.A)

About the Book

We invite submissions that address Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) topics from international and comparative perspectives or topics that deal with the intersection between two different field of perspectives. The Aftermath of Covid-19 has already had a dramatic impact on the society as whole and its consequences and impact will be felt for a significant period of time. This book will explore the evolution of ADR, reflecting on ADR as it was before the pandemic, as it is now and what it will become. Furthermore, this book will focus on how such evolution presents a pathway towards the future of ADR and international cooperation within the ADR community.


Each Author whose chapter is selected for publication will recieve a complimentary soft copy of the book as well as an E-certificate and chapter published in ISBN book.

Sub Themes: Call for Chapters

  • Comparative analysis of Alternative Dispute Resolution in different jurisdiction.
  • The evolution of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
  • The shift from Alternative Dispute Resolution to Online Dispute Resolution.
  • Visualising the future of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Online Dispute Resolution.
  • Peace-making approach of Mediation.
  • The role of the Judiciary in Alternative Dispute Resolution, scrutiny or interference?
  • Emerging issues in Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation and Negotiation.
  • Legislation and ADR practices in Developing Nations.
  • The effectiveness of recognition and enforcement of foreign awards regimes in different jurisdictions – how effective is domestic legislation?
  • International Commercial Arbitration/International Hubs of ADR.
  • Mediation Advocacy.
  • Collaborative ADR.
  • The criminal justice system and ADR.
  • Cultural diversification in ADR.
  • ADR and Social Justice.
  • The role of lawyers in ADR or ODR – Shrinking or to be Cherished?
  • Investment Arbitration.
  • Block chain Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation and Negotiation.
  • The Singapore Convention for Mediation: A game changer?

This list is illustrative and not exhaustive. Authors are welcome to submit papers on any topic that relates to the main theme of the book.

Word Limit:

The word limit for chapters (inclusive of abstracts) is between 3000 words (minimum) to 6000 words (maximum) The word limit is inclusive of footnotes. The word limit must be strictly adhered to by all the authors. Each author is required to submit an anti-plagiarism declaration along with their paper stating that his/her paper is an original and bona fide piece of research work and that it has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.


Co-Authorship is allowed. A maximum of two co-authors are permitted.


Each Author whose chapter is selected for publication will recieve a complimentary soft copy of the book as well as an E-certificate and chapter published in ISBN book.

Submission Guidelines

Authors should cite all the sources in footnotes, not endnotes. Citations should be written in  Bluebook (20th Edition) style.

All submissions must be in Times New Roman Font, 12-point with bold headings and 1.5 line spacing. All submissions must be submitted in either doc. or docx format -(MS word file).

Submissions shall be sent by email to admin@mediateguru.com together with a brief bio of the Author / Co-Author (maximum 100 words).

Important Dates

1. Deadline for submission of Chapters: 31st March 2021

2. Acceptance of Paper submitted: before 15th April 2021

3. Tentative publication date (soft copy format): May or June 2021 (subject to confirmation with the publisher)

All submissions should be sent by e-mail to admin@mediateguru.comin accordance with the prescribed deadlines. Papers submitted after the prescribed deadline will not be considered for publication.


To assist MediateGuru in covering the costs of publishing and disseminating this book, it is respectfully requested that contributors pay a modest fee. The relevant fee levels, incurred only when your chapter is accepted. The editors may consider waiving or reducing any fees due at the request of contributors who are able to evidence financial hardship.  No publication fees shall be required from full time, registered students.

Fees Exemption 

Please note that there is no publication fees for MediateGuru’s Global Advisory Board Members and National Incharge(s) of various chapters in their respective Nations.There is a discount for MediateGuru’s Members (Campus Ambassador(s), Members, other respective members who hold a regional office under different chapters).

For any clarification:

Kindly write to: admin@mediateguru.com

or visit us at www.mediateguru.com

or reach out to us at: +91 8447 919 954

At Kanooniyat, it is our endeavour to provide authentic information from verified organisations. However, it is strongly advised that you do your own research on the legitimacy of the particular organisation and the opportunity before applying or making any monetary transactions.

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