Home Law StudentsLegal Opportunities Online Internship Opportunity: Black Robes Legal, Delhi: Apply Now

Online Internship Opportunity: Black Robes Legal, Delhi: Apply Now

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Online Internship

Black Robes Legal is inviting applications for online internship, open from January 01, 2021, for the financial year 2021-22

M/s. Black Robes Legal is a law firm registered under Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 (as amended from time to time and as in force) for the purpose of rendering structured commercial and pro-bono professional legal services, aid, and assistance in the areas of Criminal Laws, Transparency Laws, Labour-Service Laws, Arbitration & Mediation, Consumer Laws, Policy Advisory besides others. The firm is organized and comprised of divisions viz. Dispute Resolution & Legal Affairs, Policy Advocacy & Advisory and Recruitment & Programme Affairs, which are manned by seasoned professionals.

About the Online Internship Programme

The candidate may be engaged in any or all of the following areas:

  • Criminal Laws and matters related therewith
  • Right to Information/Transparency Laws
  • Consumer and Education Laws
  • Employment and Labour Laws (including POSH)
  • Petitions (Applications, Complaints, and Representations)
  • Human Rights Law & Legal Aid, Assistance and Awareness
  • Research and Drafting White Papers and Briefs/Synopsis
  • Other areas of practice, subject to competence and interest

Important Details

Online Internship Opportunity:

The call shall remain in force w.e.f. 01 January, 2021 for the Financial year 2021-2022, however the first batch of applications received till 28 February, 2021 shall be processed before the end of March, 2021;

and all other applications received on or after 01 March, 2021 shall be processed at such other interval of time as may be decided internally.

In the event of all positions being filled at any point of time, applications received thereinafter shall be processed but if selections are made, would put the candidate in ‘Successful Pool of Applicants: Waitlisted’ category as shall be maintained by the firm for placement as per availability or vacancy created due to withdrawal, desertion or termination of previously selected candidate(s).

Number of Interns Required

5 (Five) Interns every calendar month, with period of engagement being 4 (Four) weeks starting w.e.f. 7th day of every such calendar month and ending on 6th day of the succeeding month.


The candidate should be pursuing any domain specific, graduate or post graduate, academic or professional course, in Law or Legal Studies, irrespective of the year of study and of the nomenclature of the course, provided the educational institution and the course being run is duly recognized/approved by the appropriate government and/or the regulatory authorities.

How to Apply

Online Internship Opportunity: Interested candidate(s) should apply immediately and follow the steps delineated herein below:

  1. Visit the website  website preferably on desktop/laptop or otherwise in ‘Desktop Mode’ for better viewing experience and technical compatibility, or otherwise the firm’s LinkedIn account available at specific weblink.
  2. Access the Careers Page (2021-2022) on the said website or otherwise the Posts Section/Updates on the LinkedIn account, locate and download the two (2) files available in MS Word file format and named as Part_BRL_21?22 and Assign_BRL_21?22.
  3. Fill and/or Attempt the files and save the same, in accordance with the instructions contained in the said files.
  4. Prepare or otherwise secure updated and latest Curriculum Vitae/Resume in pdf file format.
  5. Prepare a cover letter, in maximum 500 words to be contained in the body of the email or submission box available in the form on the Careers Page of the website.

Submit the completed files i.e. Part_BRL, Assign_BRL, Curriculum Vitae/Resume with Cover Letter through the form made available on Careers Page of website or in case of failure through such means or otherwise as may be preferred, send the same via email only with Subject Line ‘Application: Call For Interns_F.Y. 2021-2022_Your Full Name’ to the email address careers@blackrobeslegal.com and not otherwise in any manner whatsoever. No queries shall be entertained and the candidate is at liberty to make best judgement to ensure substantive compliance.

Note(s): Online Internship

  1. The present call for applications is an equal opportunity measure which is gender neutral.
  2. The selection shall consider overall personality including parameters of active intelligence, general behavior to legal/ policy issues, passion for change and others.
  3. The candidates may be assessed on the basis of wri1en assignment and/or personal interview, as the case may be.
  4. The Intern shall primarily be engaged to work remotely.
  5. The positions are unpaid and other terms of engagement shall be  shared  and  agreed  upon  aƒter  selection  and  confirmation made thereof.
  6. The applications shall be processed on First in First Out (FIFO) method/basis.
  7. The interns who have worked with the firm in the past are ineligible to re-apply.
  8. The applications for F.Y. 2020-21 stands closed herewith.

For other information about Online Internship Opportunity, check out the FAQs by clicking here

Contact Information

M/s. Black Robes Legal
(Advocates, Advisors and Consultants)


Regd. Office: Block – B, No. 10, II Floor, Karam Pura
District West, P.S. Moti Nagar, P.O. Ramesh Nagar H.O.
NCT of Delhi – 110015 India

Email Id:


Landline No.: +9111-41-751582
Mobile No.: +91-9582-751582

At Kanooniyat, it is our endeavour to provide authentic information from verified organisations. However, it is strongly advised that you do your own research on the legitimacy of the particular organisation and the opportunity before applying or making any monetary transactions.

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