About the Christ University Law Journal
Christ University Law Journal (CULJ) is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal. We look forward to submissions from members of the Bar, Bench and Academia.
About the Journal
The Journal and Publication Society of School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) invites submissions for the 17th issue (Vol 10, Number 1) of the Christ University Law Journal (Jan-June 2021). Submissions can be in the form of research articles, case comments (2019 or 2020) and book reviews (2020 publication).
Guidelines for Submissions
The word limit for submissions is as follows:
- Research articles: 5000-6000 words or more
- Case Comment (latest ones): 1500-2000 words
- Book reviews (foreign authors, 2020 publication, in the respective area of law)
The research articles must also include an abstract of not more than 175-200 words, along with 5 relevant keywords.
All submissions should be in 1.5 line spacing, font size 12(for text) and 14 (for headings) and in Times New Roman style. The method of citation is the Harvard Bluebook 20th edition.
How to Submit?
All submissions must be sent to culj[@]christuniversity.in and must be attached with a cover letter stating the name of the authors, (only one co-author) occupation/designation, the title of the submission, mobile number and contact address for future reference.
Important Date
The submissions should reach us on or before 15th June 2020.