About the oriental school of law
Oriental School of Law is one of the premier law college established in Indore. It offers quality legal education at Undergraduate, Postgraduate levels in the form of BA.LL.B. (5 Year), LL.B (3 Year) & LL.M. (1 year Course). These courses are recognized and approved by the BCI. Besides this, the college offers Diploma and Certificate courses in the areas of specialization in Cyber Laws and IPR. The faculty of law also provides opportunity for pursuing Doctorate in Law. The college has spacious building with huge Auditorium, separate Moot Court Room, Human Rights Cell, Cyber Cell, Women Empowerment Cell, Legal Aid Cell, Placement Cell etc.
The programmes are designed to expose the students to the different aspects of legal work and procedures in the chambers of Lawyers, Courts, Lok Adalats, Administrative Offices, Legal Aid Centres, Legal Literacy Camps and the like. Its Library is rich with classic, as well as, recent works on law and legal systems. It has a collection of online data base i.e. SCC online, Manupatra and besides this, it has back volumes of reputed law journals, law reports. It provides free internet facility to the students.
About Faculty Development Programme
With immense pleasure, Oriental school of Law, Oriental University Indore announces its first five-day national faculty development programme on “CONTEMPORARY TEACHING PEDAGOGY FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS” commencing form 15 June 2020 to 19 June 2020.
The faculty development programme (Oriental School of Law) has been designed with the objective of enhancing the teacher’s classroom effectiveness and ability to use innovative teaching approaches. Each of the participants will be given an opportunity to showcase repertoire of instructional methods and strategies by remaining critical and reflective about their teaching practice.
objectives of the programme
- The objective of the faculty development programme (Oriental School of Law) is to bring about personality development with regard to the different behavioral dimensions that have far reaching significance in the direction of organizational effectiveness for teachers.
- To prepare teachers to provide the directions for learning and developing their abilities to become more independent and effective learner, both in and outside the same in our classroom practice. Also, to look at the principles behind the tasks classroom.
- To explore contemporary teaching approaches and methods and implementation of the and activities teachers can use in their classroom teaching.
Expected Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module, the participant will be able to understand teaching and learning process , changing roles of teachers in current environment, challenges faced, learning components of teaching and Teaching Styles and Strategies also he will be able to understand the importance of making teaching Learning Process more effective and Enjoyable and the probable techniques for the same. (Oriental School of Law)
who is eligible
Professionals and Faculty members from any stream of knowledge can apply for the program.
Themes / sub themes
The topic of the FDP Is
Including the following:
1. Teaching for New Age Teachers
2. Effective Teaching Pedagogy
3. Personality Development For faculties
4. Making Teaching Learning Process More Effective and Enjoyable
5. Significance of Positive Behavioral Support to the students.
Location (country/ state/ city)
The FDP will be help online via zoom app
Registration procedure
- For registration candidate needs to make payment through bank transfer (NEFT), details for the same are as follows:
Account Number: 07881131000847
IFSC Code: ORBC0101697 (First four characters are alphabets, rest are numeric)
Account Type: Current Account
Branch: Jakhiya (Indore, M.P)
Bank: Oriental Bank of Commerce
- Or you can also pay by scanning the QR code.

- After payment fill the Google form by clicking on the link – CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
- After filling the form intimate to the coordinators through phone or email, details are provided below.
Fee detail
The charges for the FDP are INR 500/- (Non-Refundable)
Deadline/ date
Last date for registration is 13th June 2020
Contact info (Oriental School of Law)
For details/ query you may contact the programme coordinators-
Ms. Anamika Singh Chauhan- Ph. 7000153711,
Email- mailto:anamikachauhan@orientaluniversity.in
Mr. Harry Bamoriya- Ph. 9424890982,
Email- mailto:harrybamoriya@orientaluniversity.in