About Legis Orbis
Legis Orbis is a pro bono initiative, conceived with the idea to help the law students in India and abroad, in having a better understanding of the Indian Laws. With this noble idea in mind, we launched the Legis Orbis Classes, which is a virtual class concerning various legal subjects. The first eight batches of the Legis Orbis Online Classes are absolutely free, wherein we have accommodated more than 150+ students from 67+ Law Colleges / Universities across the country.
The Advisory Board of Legis Orbis is chaired by Shri Salman Khurshid, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India, vice chairman of which is Shri Ashok Arora, Senior Lawyer, Supreme Court of India. The Board consists of Shri Manas Ranjan Mohapatra, Senior Advocate, High Court of Orissa, Shri Sourya Sundar Das, Senior Advocate, High Court of Orissa, Shri Vijay P Tiwari, Associate Professor of Law, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur who are all the Senior Members. The organisation also has the patronage of Shri Siddhant Mishra, Judicial Magistrate First Class, Puri, Orissa, Ms. Kanika Dasan, Consultant, World Health Organization (WHO) and Ms. Divya Dixit, Research Associate, Supreme Court of India.

About e-Seminar
The judgment of Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd) vs. Union of India, has definitely widened the regime of right to privacy and is definitely going to bring a large number of sectors infringing the privacy laws within its purview. It is hoped that conducting a discussion amongst legal luminaries, academics, members of the Bench, the Bar and enforcement agencies during the proceedings of this e-seminar would be fruitful at a time when the dimensions of the Right to Privacy is changing vividly in India.
The first of its kind e-Seminar also seeks to distillate the experience and suggestions of various stakeholders in preparing a database for the lawmakers and policy planners to appropriately frame a Data Protection Law to address the concerns relating to Data Protection, Data Privacy and the Privacy of the individuals in what is being called as the Digital India. (Legis Orbis)
Call for papers
Well researched original research papers, articles and case studies are invited from the academics, practitioners, researchers, students and other stakeholders working and interested in the field of data protection in India.
Details with regard to the Call of papers is available at www.legisorbis.com
Selected papers will be published in an edited book (paperback special edition) with ISBN Number within one month of the completion of the e-Seminar, which will be available for sale in Amazon India website and mobile applications.
Special award to best papers in both the professional and student category, by Lexis Nexis.
Title of Seminar
Life, Liberty & Privacy: The Indian Jurisprudence on Individual’s Data Privacy

Themes of e-Seminar
1. Privacy & Data Protection Framework: The Indian Contact Tracing App ‘Aarogya Setu’
2. Biometric Identification in India: The Aadhaar Chapter and the Fundamental Right to Privacy
3. Protection vs. Privacy: The Expanded Surveillance Scheme
4. Doctrinal Shadows of the Indian Constitution over Right to Privacy in the Digital India
Brought to you by – Legis Orbis in association with Lexis Nexis
July 21- 25, 2020
June 28- July 01, 2020
Important dates
- Opening of Registration – June 28
- Closing of Registration – July 01
- Last date for Abstract Submission – July 08
- Intimation of Acceptance/Rejection of Abstract – July 09
- Final Abstract Submission with modification (applicable only in case of Rejection of Abstract on July 9, 2020) – July 10
- Last date for Submission of Full papers – July 17 [05:00 PM]
- Inaugural Session of Seminar – July 21
- Virtual Presentation of Papers – July 22-24
- Valedictory Session of Seminar – July 25
- Distribution of Certificates – July 27
To register, please visit www.legisorbis.com