Legalify India Debate Competition
Farm Bills 2020- Is it a double Edged?
So, here is Legalify India with it’s next Debate on Farm Bills – Is it a double edged? It has been a great debating topic since past few weeks and we hope that you would be excited to present your views on it.
So, hurry up everyone. We at Legalify India is here with this opportunity.
Date of Debate Competition- 7th November,20
Timings– 12:00 to 2:00 PM
Registration fees– Rs 50.
Payment mode– Paytm, Google pay, Phone pay (91402 52620)
Registration link of Debate Competition-Â CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
NOTE: Mention ‘Kanooniyat’ in Reference
Note: Certification of Appreciation along with the Cash prizes for the best speaker both (pros and cons) and E-certificates to all the participants will be given.
Guidelines of Debate Competition-
The Debate competition will be held in three rounds.
· Round 1
This is an opening speech round where the participants will be given max 2.5 min and min 1 min. to give the views on Farm Bills.
· Round 2
This round will be a question and answer round where the participants will be asked to answer certain questions related to the Farm Bills . This round will also be a time restrictive round where max 2 min will ne given to answer each question.
Marking will be done by our experts as per the answers given by the participants.
· Round 3
This will the elimination round where participants will speak for and against the topic and will be marked accordingly.
After this the final judgement will be there by our expertise on who spoke best and the winner will be announced both from pro and cons side each.
· Participants will be allowed to communicate in English Language only.
· No interruptions will be allowed by any participants in between. Once the speaker has completed everyone will be given chance to counter or to present their views on the same.
· No personal, defamatory or offensive statements will be accepted. Anyone who acts in violation of our guidelines will be eliminated straightaway.
· It is mandatory for all the participants to keep their video on in the complete session and microphone ‘on’ when they are asked to speak.
· All the participants are requested to join through their real names only.
Contact Details
For any further query :
Contact no-+91 93526 03383