Home Law StudentsCall for Papers Call for Blogs: Think India Punjab Blog Presents Abhivyakti 3.0: Submit by 30th November 2020

Call for Blogs: Think India Punjab Blog Presents Abhivyakti 3.0: Submit by 30th November 2020

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Think India

About Think India

Think India is a pan-India organization established with the aim to bring together the best talent of the country and to infuse in them a ‘Nation-First’ attitude. The organization seeks to develop a solution-based thinking and inspire young India to serve the society. It also manifests progressive collaborations between the young, creative minds from national institutes like IITs, IIMs, NLUs and others. Think India Punjab is the regional chapter of the Organization which conducts numerous student-centric activities (across campuses in Punjab) like Study circles, informal discussions, “Once Campus, One Problem, One Solution”, Workshops/Conferences/Seminars, etc.

About Abhivyakti

Abhivyakti is an initiative by Think India, Punjab. The meaning of ‘Abhivyakti’ is to express, or present. True to its meaning, it is launched with an aim to provide a platform where students, researchers and academicians across the globe can publish their ideas and perspectives on various social, legal, political and technological issues and concepts. With social awakening as its prime objective, the blog is mainly targeted at fruitful dispersion of ideas and opinion in the light of contemporary socio-legal concerns. (Think India)

As Francis Bacon said, “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.” At Abhivyakti, we believe that there is no agony greater than not expressing what your intellectual senses perceive. Penning down your thoughts opens up new avenues and ways for personal as well as professional growth. The pursuit of perfection requires diligent practice to hone the skills of writing. Hence, our team is here to help you publish your work, also to provide you with constructive feedback to enhance the standard of your writing.

Call for Blogs

The Editorial Board of Abhivyakti (Think India) invites blog posts from students/research scholars enrolled in any UG/PG/PhD course, academicians associated with any educational institution (University/College), professionals across various fields practicing around the world.


Blog Posts are invited on the theme, “Developments in the Right to Freedom of Speech Around the World.”

Suggested Topics:

1) Free Speech vs Hate Speech: Is the idea of ‘Liberté’ under threat?

2) The right to write: Freedom of Press Scenario with regards to recent developments in Maharashtra

3) Big Tech’s Monopoly over the Internet: Can Twitter and Facebook be held responsible for curtailing free speech?

The theme is not restrictive in nature, author(s) can explore a plethora of sub-themes directly or indirectly associated with the theme.

Registration Fee

There is no fee required for registration or submission.


The deadline for submission is 30th November, 2020. (Think India)


Selected articles, as recommended by the Editorial Board, shall be published on the Abhivyakti blog. An E-certificate of publication can be issued upon successful publication of the blog.

Submission Guidelines

1. Co-Authorship is allowed to a maximum of two authors.

2. Registration is mandatory for participation. All registrations can be made at the link: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

3. Submissions shall be made only in “English”.

4. The work submitted shall be original and unpublished. Originality for the purpose of evaluation means a similarity less than 15%.

5. Word limit for the submission is 1000-1200 words exclusive of endnotes.

6. The body of the submission (including title) must be in the format as specified. [Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Line-Spacing: 1.5, Justified].

7. Submission must contain endnotes wherever required. All endnotes must be in the format as specified. [Font: Times New Roman, Size: 10, Line-Spacing: 1.5, Justified].

8. The citation style must be in conformation with The Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation (19th/20th Ed.)

9. The submission e-mail must contain the following: Name of the author(s), Designation, Email Id, Phone Number, Institute, Programme Enrolled, and Year of Study.

10. All submissions must be mailed at abhivyakti.thinkindia@gmail.com with the subject line “Blog Submission for Abhivyakti 3.0” on or before 30th November 2020 [11:59 PM].

11.All the submissions shall be typed and submitted only in Doc/Docx format. No other submissions shall be entertained

12. For the purposes of a fair assessment process, the document shall not contain any personally identifiable information.

N.B. – All copyrights to entries selected for publication are vested with the Editorial Board of Abhivyakti.


For any queries, feel free to drop in a word at abhivyakti.thinkindia@gmail.com (Think India)


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