Call for papers: Cultures of International Humanitarian Law by ASSER Institute: Submit by 01st June 2021
Volume 24 offers international humanitarian lawyers the opportunity to reflect on what IHL scholarship may have excluded from its scope of analysis, and to bring to light underexplored variation, cases, and approaches to the field.
Details: Call for Papers
Interested authors should send an abstract of 500 words to the Managing Editor of the Yearbook, Dr. Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi ( by 1 June 2021.
This abstract should include (i) a working title; (ii) your main research questions and hypotheses; (iii) what gap your analysis/argument would fill in the literature; (iv) the provisional structure of your reflections.
Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by 1 July 2021, and the deadline for the submission of final papers, which should be no longer than 13,000 words (including footnotes) is 15 November 2021. Submitted articles should conform to the YIHL guidelines and will be sent for double-blind peer review. The Editorial Board aims to publish Vol. 24 (2021) at the end of the ensuing year.
For More Information: CLICK HERE