About the Sarin-McGill
Sarin & Co. is one of India’s oldest and leading law firms specializing in Indian and International Law. Originally established by Late Mr. Harbans Lal Sarin in Lahore (now in Pakistan) in the year 1932, the firm shifted to Shimla after the partition of undivided India.
McGill University’s Institute of Air and Space Law (IASL) is the world’s premier academic setting for teaching and research in the dual disciplines of international air law and space law.
About the Sarin-McGill Essay Contest
The Sarin-McGill Essay Contest has been established to promote the field of Aircraft Finance & Leasing Law among law students across the globe.
Eligibility: Sarin-McGill Essay Contest
Any student of law, enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate or doctoral programme in any law school or legal professional training school worldwide, at the time of submission of the entry, shall be considered eligible.
Essay Topic
The topic of Aircraft Finance & Leasing Law is often overlooked due to a common misconception that the field occupies a very niche spot, resulting in inadequate attention being accorded to this fascinating and dynamic field of law.
ALSO READ: 1st National Article Writing Competition: Oriental School of Law, Indore (Register by 20th May 2020)
The winner shall be provided with an invitation letter from McGill University to aid the visa process; such an invitation letter shall only be issued should the winner provide a copy of his or her passport promptly upon the request of Sarin & Co.
How to Submit
The essay shall be submitted in both .doc (or .docx) as well as .pdf.
The essay shall be submitted to sarin-mcgill@sarinlaw.com with both attachments; the email should be captioned “Sarin McGill Final Submission,” and should also include “Author’s Name & Student Status”.
The final date for submission of the essay shall be 31st August 2020.
How to Register
The registration form is here.
Each prospective author must complete and submit the registration form.
The registration form must be signed by the prospective author and a .pdf of the signed form must be submitted to sarin-mcgill@sarinlaw.com along with a scanned copy of the author’s current student identity card to establish his/her institutional affiliation and credentials.
The final date for submission of the registration form (along with student identity card) shall be 30th June 2020.
Contact Information
E-mail ID: sarin-mcgill@sarinlaw.com