About Indore Institute of Law
Indore Institute of Law, established in the year 2003 for imparting Legal Education, is the only institute of its kind in Central India offering All Law courses under one roof with an object to provide qualitative and job oriented education.
Indore Institute of Law is recognized by The Bar Council of India, New Delhi and affiliated to Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Indore (DAVV).
About the Legal Voice of India
The Legal Voice of India: The Law Journal [ISSN Number: 22778454] is regularly published by Indore Institute of Law unfolds to bring forth a plethora of experiences and observations by people from all walks of life in its sixth year starting from 2012-13.
From a legal pedestal, the Journal reaches out to generate awareness and consensus related to the legal arena. The journal of Indore Institute of Law has to its credit a forward by eminent personalities like Justice V. S. Kokje (Former Governor of Himachal Pradesh), Salman Khurshid, (Senior Advocate, Supreme court of India), K.T.S Tulsi, (Member of Parliament).
The last date of submission for consideration is 31st July 2020.
Nature of Submission
- Articles: (3000-4000 words)
- Notes including Policy Notes: (2000-2500 words)
- Book Reviews: (1500-2000 words)
- Please Note: Book Review should specify all relevant information relating to the book reviewed such as the names of the authors and editor, year and edition of the book, details of publisher.
- Case Notes: (2000-2500 words)
- Legislative Comments: (1500 ā 2000 words)
Formatting Guidelines
Format of Submission: Submissions must be in electronic form only. All submissions must be in MS-Word. The main text should be in Times New Roman, font size 12 with double line spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with line spacing 1.5. All pages must be numbered.
Abstract: All submissions must contain an abstract of about 250 to 300 words describing the relevant points of discussion attempted in the paper and the relevant conclusions drawn.
Headings: The main title should be centered, typed in small capitals and emphasized in bold with font size 12. The sub-titles must be left indented, emphasized in bold with font size 12.
Citation: The Rules of Citation as prescribed by the 20th edition of Bluebook.
Submission Guidelines
Co-authoring: Only 1 co-author is permitted.
Cover Letter: The cover letter shall contain the name of the author, institutional affiliation, title and category of the submission. Submissions should be sent as attachments with the title of the write-up as the file name in .doc or .doc x format only.
Contact Address:Ā The Journal accepts submissions which must be submitted by email toĀ publications@indoreinstituteoflaw.org.
Identification Details: The body of the write-up must not contain any identification of the author(s) or their institutional affiliation.
Selection Method
First, the Editorial Board will run a plagiarism check. If the paper is found to be plagiarized or grammatically incorrect it would be desk rejected. Once it crosses the initial checking, each submission will be assigned a number and the papers will be sent for blind reviews.
Whether accepted or rejected the reviewersā report will be communicated to the author as soon as we receive it. Based on the comments received from the reviewer the paper will be either accepted or accepted subject to changes or rejected. The author(s) of accepted papers will have to give an undertaking via signed declaration and fill up a copyright transfer form, provided on page 3 and 4 of the document.
Publication Fee
Then the author (s) will be No Publication Fee required to ISSN referred journal (Indore Institute of Law), articles to be published.
Contact Infomation (Indore Institute of Law)
E-mail ID:Ā publications@indoreinstituteoflaw.org.