Home Law StudentsLegal Opportunities Blog Writing Contest 2021 by World Bank & Financial Times: Submit by 15th Feb 2021

Blog Writing Contest 2021 by World Bank & Financial Times: Submit by 15th Feb 2021

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World Bank

Blog Writing Competition: How Can We Help Every Child Learn, Everywhere?

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives in every country around the world. And this health crisis is creating another crisis – an education crisis. The World Bank estimates that an additional 72 million primary school age children will fall into learning poverty, due to extended school closures caused by the pandemic. Learning poverty is when a child cannot read and understand a simple text by the age of 10.

The pandemic is amplifying an existing global learning crisis and puts an entire generation of students at risk of losing about $10 trillion in future lifetime earnings.

As the global community works on identifying solutions, we want to hear from those most affected – young people. We want to hear from you! Tell us what you think by joining this blog competition.

You can do so by telling us:

How has your learning experience been affected by COVID-19? What would you tell educators and policy makers to do differently? What would make an impact on your learning experience?

This is your chance to get creative. The World Bank Group and the Financial Times are organizing their third joint global blog/essay writing competition. This competition builds on the World Bank Group’s recent reports Realizing the Future of Learning and Reimagining Human Connections.

We are looking for your most inventive ideas, high quality writing, and solutions to improve education outcomes beyond the pandemic.

Be innovative, be persuasive – and be bold!

Submissions should include:

  • A strong blog or essay, that is no longer than 500 words.
  • Your name, age, school, email, and country you live in.
  • Photos, videos, visualizations that help support your story, are optional. 

How to enter:



Submissions are due by midnight February 15th, 2021 EST.


Entries will be judged by a high-level panel comprised of senior officials at the World Bank Group, the Financial Times, and select partners. The full names of the judges can be made available on request. Judging will take place during February 2021 and winners will be contacted and announced in April 2021 on the World Bank Group blog and Financial Times website, unless a winner objected to publication of their name at the time of entry. Entries will be judged against originality, creativity, writing quality, and solutions presented. The judging panel’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. Winners will be contacted via the contact information provided with their submission.


The winning entry will be published in the Financial Times (at its sole discretion) and the World Bank Group blog. Based on restrictions during the pandemic the World Bank Group will also find additional, virtual ways to honor the winner in April 2021.

Terms and Conditions

  • Entries should be original content and cannot have been previously published or lifted from other sources. By submitting an entry, entrants grant to The World Bank Group and The Financial Times Limited (“FT”) a worldwide, perpetual, non- exclusive, royalty free license to copy, edit, publish and use the entry, in whole or in part, and in any way, including for publishing on the World Bank Group’s blog platform and, at the FT’s sole discretion, on ft.com, without compensation to the entrant. Rights to edit copy where the publishers deem necessary is reserved although entrants will be fully credited.
  • Entries should be the work of the submitter and cannot be collaborative or written by a proxy.
  • Participants must be enrolled in high school or a version of secondary education and should be between the ages of 16-19 years.
  • Entries are only to be submitted in English.
  • There is no fee payable to enter the competition.
  • The World Bank Group and FT are not responsible for (i) any incorrect or inaccurate information used in connection with the competition; or (ii) failures or errors which may occur in the administration of the competition. To the fullest extent permitted by law, The World Bank Group and FT exclude liability and entrants agree to release and hold harmless The World Bank Group and FT for any damage, loss, liability or injury to person or property or for any claim arising as a result of your entry into the competition.
  • These terms and conditions and the competition will be governed by English law and any disputes arising shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
  • Preservation of Immunities. Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation upon or a waiver of the privileges and immunities of the World Bank Group which are specifically reserved.
  • The promoter is the World Bank Group of 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433.
  • Schools with multiple students entering the contest are encouraged to register the school here: CLICK HERE.


To participate in this competition, the World Bank Group will collect personal details pertaining to name, age, school, email, address, country of residence, to administer the competition and provide the prize. This data will be destroyed after the competition ends. Your personal details will also be shared with the Financial Times for the purposes of judging the competition and providing the prize.

The Financial Times will process your details in accordance with its Privacy Policy. The World Bank Group will process your details in accordance with our Privacy Notice. By entering this competition, you agree to World Bank Group’s and FT’s use of your entry and processing of your personal data. The World Bank Group and/or FT may also publish the winners’ name and region with the winning entry.


At Kanooniyat, it is our endeavour to provide authentic information from verified organisations. However, it is strongly advised that you do your own research on the legitimacy of the particular organisation and the opportunity before applying or making any monetary transactions.

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