Home Law StudentsCall for Papers Call for Papers: Competition Commission of India Journal on Competition Law and Policy: Rolling Submissions

Call for Papers: Competition Commission of India Journal on Competition Law and Policy: Rolling Submissions

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Competition Commission of India

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is a statutory body established under the Competition Act, 2002 with the objective to prevent practices having adverse effect on competition, to promote and sustain competition in markets, to protect interest of consumers and to ensure freedom of trade carried on by other participants in markets in India. Competition Commission of India is also mandated to take suitable measures for promotion of competition law through organising various advocacy programmes for the stakeholders.

In furtherance of the above, Competition Commission of India as a public institution, is engaged in encouraging scholarship in the field of competition law and policy so as to develop a better understanding of competition issues relevant in the Indian context, to draw inferences for implementation of competition law and to create a culture of competition in India. In pursuit of the same, the Competition Commission of India will bring out its annual Journal on Competition Law and Policy in both print and online version.

Submission of Papers

The Competition Commission of India invites original high quality research papers, articles, case law and book reviews on competition law, economics of competition law and contemporary antitrust issues for publication in the aforesaid journal. The orientation of the papers may be theoretical, empirical or case studies based. The Competition Commission of India journal would cover a wide range of related themes. However, research papers/ articles/ book reviews on the following themes, in the Indian context and based on empirical research, would be encouraged:

  1. Cartel
  2. Vertical restraints and competition
  3. Market definition, measuring market power and abuse of dominance
  4. Merger and acquisition
  5. New age economy, platform markets and challenges for antitrust enforcement
  6. Intellectual property rights and competition law
  7. Recent development in competition law and policy
  8. Any other issues related to competition law and policy

Selection Process

Papers received for publication in the Competition Commission of India journal shall be selected through a rigorous two stage review process. At the initial stage, the Joint editors will carry out a blind review to determine the eligibility of the paper for further review. On clearing the initial stage, the paper will be sent to the editorial board. A double blind review process will be followed at both the stages. Based on the editorial board recommendations, the paper will be rejected or accepted or sent to authors for revision.

Important Dates

There is no specific deadline for submission of papers. Papers cleared by the Editorial board will be published in the next available issue of the Journal.

Guidelines for Authors

  • The work should be an original and unpublished work.
  • The manuscript of research paper should be in the following order:
  • Title
  • Abstract and Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methods and Results
  • Discussion
  • Summary or Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements and References
  • Please submit your paper in the following format:
Language/ Medium of the paperEnglish
Maximum word limit (including       research       questions, methodology, conclusion and foot notes)Research Paper : 8000 words
Article: 6000 words
Book Review : 2500 words
Document formatword
Name of word and pdf fileTitle of the paper
Size of the paperA4
Margin2.54 cm from all sides
Font StyleTimes New Roman
Font Size12-point font
Line Spacing1.5
Paragraph Spacing10-point, normal and justified
Title of the Paper20-point, bold and centre aligned and capitalise each word
Author DetailsDetails of Authors should be mentioned only on the first/ title page of the paper in the following manner:

11-point, Italic, Centre aligned
Just below the title
Full name
At footnotes
Email Id (optional)
Contact number (optional)
Headings14-point, bold and left aligned
Subheadings13-point, bold and left aligned
Page NumberProperly numbered
Table NumberSequentially numbered
Name/ Title of TablePlace above the table
Figures/ Graphs/ ImagesSequentially numbered
Name of Figures/ Graphs/ ImagesPlace above the Figures/ Graphs/ Images
Source of Table, Figures, Graphs, ImagesMention below the Table/ Figures/ Graphs/ Images
SymbolsMust be defined
AbbreviationsMust be defined
Reference StyleAPA

Contact Us

Full papers along with CV of author(s) and duly signed certificate of originality (Please see Annexure) may be sent to journals@cci.gov.in . Requests for further information or any other queries may also be sent to this email id. (Competition Commission of India)

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