About Our Legal World
Our Legal World Started its journey in the year 2018, with the objectives to provide a smooth platform to law students, law professional, judicial Aspirants, Law Professors to get legal knowledge at a single portal. Visitors will find a wide range of features including Judgments, Law Articles, Latest legal updates, judiciary notes, legal job updates, law school event updates etc. With countless efforts and positive work ethics, it has also managed to rank 25th among top 100 Indian Law Blogs by Feedspot.
About the Competition
The event is aimed at promoting the importance of the analysis of judgments. This competition will enable the participants to know how these latest judgments have changed the overall course of justice. Our Legal World is providing an opportunity for young legal minds to express their opinions on these important judgments in the form of case comment writing.
- The entire event will be conducted online.
- Students pursuing LL.B., i.e., 3-year or 5-year course or LL.M from any recognized College or University or preparing for the judicial services
- It is also open to Advocates, Law Professors, CA, CS, Judges etc.
- In Co-authorship, not more than 2 participants are allowed.
Important Dates:
- Last date of registration: 5th August 2020.
- Last date of submission: 25th August 2020.
- Declaration of the result: 5th September 2020
List of Cases for Case Comment (Choose 1):
- Swiss Ribbons Pvt. Ltd v. Union of India, 25 January 2019 [S.C. Upheld the Validity of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016]
- Mukesh Kumar v. The State of Uttarakhand [ Reservation in Promotion 2020]
- Indian Hotel and Restaurant Association v. State of Maharashtra [Blanket ban on Maharashtra dance bars overturned 2020]
- Central Public Information Officer, Supreme Court v. Subash Chandra Agarwal [CJI Office comes under RTI Act 2020]
- Hindustan Construction Company Ltd. V. Union of India [Section 87 of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996]
- Praithvi Raj Chauhan v. Union of India [constitutional validity of the SC/ST 2020]
- Re: Exploitation of Children in Orphanages in State of Tamil Nadu v. Union of India [2020]
- Rambabu Singh Thakur v. Sunil Arora and others [Criminalisation of politics 2020]
- The Secretary, Ministry of Defence v. Babita Puniya & ors [Gender Equality in Armed Forces 2020]
- Dheeraj Mor v. Hon’ble High Court of Delhi [Judicial Services 2020]
- Shatrughan Chauhan & Anr v. Union of Indian [Death Penalty and Mercy Petition 2014]
- State of Karnataka vs. State of Tamil Nadu [Cauvery Dispute]
- Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India [Sec. 377 Verdict]
- Swapnil Tripathi & Ors. V. Supreme Court of India & Ors. [ Verdict on Livestreaming Apex Court Proceeding]
- Joseph Shine v Union of India [ Striking Down of Adultery Law]
Submission Guidelines:
- Word limit – Minimum 800 words & Maximum 3000 words (including footnotes)
- Format – MS Word; font – Times New Roman
- Font size – 12 for text, 14 for Headings, 10 for footnotes
- Page numbers – bottom center
- The case comment must be written in English.
- Line Spacing – 1.5 for text and 1.0 for footnotes
- Alignment – Justified and layout must be A4 size
- Margin – One inch each side
- The citation methodology to be followed is Harvard Bluebook (19th Edition).
- The submission must be original.
- Plagiarism of any sort will lead to immediate disqualification.
- Sample or format of case comment 1 2 3
- First Prize- Certificate of Merit +Cash Prize Rs. 1500/- + 5 e-Law Books + 50 percent discount on Judiciary Notes.
- Second Prize– Certificate of Merit +Cash Prize Rs. 750/- + 5 e-Law Books + 50 percent discount on Judiciary Notes.
- Third Prize– Certificate of Merit + Cash Prize Rs. 500/- + 4 e-Law Books + 50 percent discount on Judiciary Notes.
- All participants will get E-Certificate of Participation + 3 e-Law Books + 50 percent discount on Judiciary Notes.
Note: Shortlisted Case Comments will be published at our website with the name of Author.
Registration Fee:
Single Author- Rs.100
Co-Author- Rs.150
NOTE : Please take it screenshot after the payment and upload it on the registration form
Interested students are required to duly fill the registration form mentioned below.
- Google Pay, Paytm; 8905045619
- Fill our Registration Form
Contact Details:
E-mail – kirtisharma9ks@gmail.com (Our Legal World)
contact@ourlegalworld.com (Our Legal World)