Home Law StudentsLegal Opportunities Call for Papers by NLIU Journal for Legislative Drafting and Parliamentary Research (JLDPR; Inaugural Edition): Submit by Mar 15!

Call for Papers by NLIU Journal for Legislative Drafting and Parliamentary Research (JLDPR; Inaugural Edition): Submit by Mar 15!

by Ajshal

The Centre for Parliamentary Studies, NLIU (CPS) is now accepting submissions for the inaugural edition of
the NLIU Journal for Legislative Drafting and Parliamentary Research (JLDPR). The Journal is an annual,
double-blind, peer-reviewed publication of CPS. It aims to generate interest in the realm of constitutional law
and public policy research and also to provide a forum for debate and discussion on contemporary
developments in the field.

About NLIU

NLIU is amongst the nation’s premier law schools. The University constantly strives to enhance the legal
landscape of the country. It aims to contribute towards national development by instilling a sense of
responsibility within the student community while at the same time cultivating a spirit of intellectual freedom,
qualities of leadership and imaginative power. It has always been an endeavour of the university to ensure its
students are capable and efficient in their abilities in advocacy, judicial and legal services, legislations and law

About the Centre for Parliamentary Studies

The centre has been established with the objective of promoting advanced learning in constitutional law,
public policy research, and legislative drafting. CPS seeks to engage itself in academic discourse and research
projects on contemporary public policy issues. The centre also aims to become an instrumental organization
in the holistic development of the Indian legal system by aiding the participants in acquainting themselves
with important aspects of the profession


JLDPR welcomes original, contemporary, analytical, and unpublished manuscripts on constitutional law,
legislative drafting, parliamentary research, and public policy from students, academics, and professionals. The
submissions are expected to be of contemporary relevance and must demonstrate high standards of academic

Submission Categories

  • Long Articles: Long articles should provide an in-depth study of the contemporary legal issue. We intend to incorporate critical analysis and original assertions on the said issue. [Word Limit: 5,000-10,000 words (exclusive of footnotes)]
  • Short Articles: Short articles should include condensed studies on contemporary legal issues. The nature of the writing should preferably include descriptive analysis and informed comments on any new ideas and perspectives.[Word Limit: 3000-5000 words (exclusive of footnotes)]
  • Book Review: All the book reviews must embody an assessment of ideas promoted by the author of the book from the point of view of originality, extent of analysis, and quality. [Word Limit: 1500-3000 words (exclusive of footnotes)]
  • Case Comments: Case comments should include the interpretation of any landmark judicial pronouncement on any contemporary legal issue. Brief information regarding contribution to and digression from the existing laws would be appreciated. [Word Limit: 1500-3000 words (exclusive of footnotes)]
  • Legislative Briefs: Legislative briefs should determine the implications of any existing or proposed Indian legislation. The author(s) may concentrate on a specific section or sections of the legislation, or they may present an overview of the legislation. [Word Limit: 1500-3000 words (exclusive of footnotes)]

Submission Guidelines

  • The submissions are to be made only in Microsoft Word Format (.docx or .doc files) by sending an email to cps@nliu.ac.in
  • Emails must mention the subject: “Call for Papers – JLDPR” followed by the title of the paper. Soft copies should be submitted by 23:59 hours, March 15, 2022.
  • Heading and sub-headings will be formatted with case sizes of 14 and 12 respectively in Times New Roman and Bold.
  • Body of the writing will be formatted with case size 12 in Times New Roman.
  • Footnotes shall follow the line spacing of 1, and the rest of the manuscript shall follow the line spacing of 1.5.
  • All referencing and footnoting shall strictly adhere to the 20th edition of the Bluebook.
  • All articles, and short articles, must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words.
  • Co-authorship is permissible up to a maximum of two.
  • The authors shall not disclose their identity anywhere in the body of the manuscript.
  • The submission shall also contain a separate cover letter in the body of the email enumerating the following details:
    • Name of the author(s),
    • Address of the author(s),
    • Phone Numbers of the author(s),
    • Title of the manuscript
    • Submission Category
    • Name of the institution/Organization
    • Year of study/ Designation
    • Email address(s)
  • The author(s) must include a declaration in a separate attachment attesting that the submission is the author(s)’ original work and has not been submitted to any other journal for consideration. In case of any copyright infringement claims, the editorial board of the journal shall not be liable. The author shall also vest the sole copyright of the manuscript with the CPS upon the acceptance of the submission.

Submission Deadline

All submissions are to be made only through email before or at 23:59 hours, 15th March 2022.

Contact us

For further clarification, please feel free to contact the CPS Editorial Team at cps@nliu.ac.in or Sahil
Sonkusale (Editor-in-Chief) at 7415552953 or Vivek Badkur (Editor-in-Chief) at 9131075603.

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