Home Law StudentsCall for Papers Call for Papers: M.S. Ramaiah Journal of Law by Ramaiah College of Law [ISSN: 0975-9905, Volume 5]: Submit by May 23

Call for Papers: M.S. Ramaiah Journal of Law by Ramaiah College of Law [ISSN: 0975-9905, Volume 5]: Submit by May 23

by Tushar Kohli
Call for Papers

About the Organisation and Journal

Ramaiah College of Law (RCL) is a premier law college situated in Bengaluru, imparting quality legal education since 1995. Apart from the regular academic activities, the Institution strives to contribute to research in the field of law.

The Editorial Board of M.S. Ramaiah Journal of Law (MSRJL) hereby invites articles from academicians, law professionals, research scholars and students of law. The Journal is an annual, ISSN (0975-9905) blind peer-reviewed publication of RCL, which was initially brought out in 2010.

A trendsetter journal of law, it seeks to encourage the analysis of law and impact its evolution. We would like contributors to address emerging issues in contemporary society through a pragmatic yet humanistic approach. A theoretical study complemented by empirical research will be much appreciated.

Submission Guidelines

Theme: Contemporary and Interdisciplinary Legal Issues.

Word Limit: (all word limits are inclusive of footnotes)

  • Articles: 5,000 – 8,000 words
  • Short Articles: 3,000- 4,000 words
  • Book Reviews: 1,000 – 3,000 words
  • Essays: 2,000 – 3,000 words
  • Case Comments: 1,500 – 3,000 words


The article should be preceded by an abstract of not more than 250 words.

Submit the abstract at msrlawjournal[at]msrcl.org.


Submissions are invited from students, academicians, research scholars and practitioners of law. Entries can be co-authored. However, not more than two authors per entry are permitted.

Citation Style

The article shall adhere to the Bluebook: The Uniform System of Citation (20th edition).

Formatting Guidelines

  1. The submission must be word-processed and in Times New Roman.
  2. The main text should be in font size 12 and footnotes in font size 10.
  3. A line spacing of 1.5 for the main text and 1.0 for footnotes should be followed.
  4. All paragraphs must begin with a one-inch indent.
  5. All hyperlinks must be in black colour and must not be underlined.
  6. Submissions in pdf shall not be accepted.
  7. The Journal encourages the use of gender-neutral language.
  8. All the received articles/research papers will be subject to plagiarism check.
  9. All submissions will go through an initial round of review and selection by the Editorial Board and then be sent for blind peer- review, before being finalised for publication.
  10. Authors are required to obtain written permission for the use of any copyrighted material in the manuscript and communicate the same to the Editorial Board.
  11. Authors are required to mail two copies of the article: one copy must provide the author details (including name and institutional affiliation), and the other without any reference to the author(s) on their affiliation.
  12. The subject of the mail should be “MSRJL Volume V, 2020” and should contain the name of the author(s), institutional affiliation, mobile number(s) and email address(s).
  13. The mail should also include a duly completed, signed and scanned copy of the declaration.
  14. The decision of the Editorial Board in terms of the selection of articles will be final.

Important Date

Last date for submission of abstract and full paper: 23rd May 2020

Contact Details

For any details or queries please contact at msrlawjournal[at]msrcl.org.

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