About Online Certificate Course
Curated after months of planning and research, MyLawman is happy to bring its Online Certificate Course on Media Law & Policy with live sessions from top industry experts. This course has been rolled out in collaboration with Industry Experts, Law Firms and Academicians. MyLawman has collaborated with S.S.Rana & Co., MZM Legal LLP, ANB Legal, Research Fellow and Faculty from National Law University for this course on Media Law & Policy.
This course shall comprehensively cover various aspects of Media Law and Policy with special emphasis on the following:
- Live lectures by the Partners of Law Firms, Research Fellow and Faculty from National Law University.
- Interactive sessions with the Partners of Law Firms, Research Fellow and Faculty from National Law University.
- Practical insights into the implementation of Law.
- Doubt clearance sessions.
- Study material shall be provided.
- Assignment evaluation based e-certificate.
- Recording of live lectures will be provided.
This Online Certificate course is open to students, academicians, professionals and anyone who is keen on updating their knowledge on Media Law & Policy.
This course has been divided into five modules to be dealt by the experts. This course contains the following modules:
- Media Laws in India and other parts of the World
- Advertisement Law and Policy in India: ethical standards or constitutional values
- Protecting Intellectual Property in Media and Entertainment
- Crowd Media and Social Media Management in the age of Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain
- Media Regulations and Constitutional Limitations: Present Day Democracy
Click here for the brochure on the online certificate course on Media Law & Policy.
The speakers for the modules of the Online Certificate course are:
1) Media Laws in India and other parts of the World shall be dealt by Mr. Ashish Bhakta, Founding Partner, ANB Legal on 19 June 2020.
2) Advertisement Law and Policy in India: Ethical Standards or Constitutional Values shall be discussed by Mr Munir Merchant, Senior Partner and Nadiya Sarguroh, Senior Associate, MZM Legal on 20 June 2020.
3) Protecting Intellectual Property in Media and Entertainment shall be discussed by Mr. Vikrant Rana, Managing Partner, S.S. Rana & Co. on 21 June 2020.
4) Crowd Media and Social Media Management in the age of Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain shall be discussed by Mr. Abhinav Mishra, Fellow at IIP Tokyo & visiting faculty at ILI on 27 June 2020.
5) Media Regulations and Constitutional Limitations: Present Day Democracy shall be dealt by Ms. Srishti Chaturvedi, Asst. Professor, DNLU on 28 June 2020
- Aprajita Singh, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun
- Sonal Saxena, Head of Research & Innovation Division, MyLawman
Short assignments shall be provided at the end of each lecture by the experts. Evaluation of the same shall be done. Upon successful completion of short assignments, E-certificates shall be provided.
Dates- 19 June, 20 June, 21 June, 27 June and 28 June, 2020
Time- The webinars shall commence at 5:30 P.M.
Duration- 1.5 hours [5:30-7:30 P.M.]
For Professionals/academicians- Rs. 1200/-
For Students- Rs. 800/–
To register for the course, fill the google form- CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
To Pay the registration fees- Gpay/Phonepe/Paytm No- 9958948005
Contact details
For any query, we request you to reach out to us via call/Whatsapp.
Contact: Ms Ankita Gaur +91 8700 836 596
Ms Supriti Bhargava +91 7691 939 111