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About Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series
The Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series is the flagship annual series of National Online Quizzes conducted by Kanooniyat comprising 10 quizzes with 5 quizzes on Constitutional Law and 5 on Criminal Law each. We received an overwhelming response in the first national online quiz which was conducted on 22nd and 23rd August and look forward to yet another successful installment to our quiz series.
The tentative dates for all the quizzes are as follows –
- 2nd National Online Quiz Competition of the Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series
- Quiz on Constitutional Law – 19th September 2020
- Quiz on Criminal Law – 20th September 2020
- 3rd National Online Quiz Competition of the Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series
- Quiz on Constitutional Law – 2nd October 2020
- Quiz on Criminal Law – 3rd October 2020
- 4th National Online Quiz Competition of the Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series
- Quiz on Constitutional Law – 25th October 2020
- Quiz on Criminal Law – 26th October 2020
- 5th National Online Quiz Competition of the Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series
- Quiz on Constitutional Law – 19th November 2020
- Quiz on Criminal Law – 20th November 2020
You can Register for either the Constitutional Law Quiz or the Criminal Law Quiz in the 2nd National Online Quiz Competition of the Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series to be held on 19th and 20th September respectively
You can register for both – Constitutional and Criminal Law quizzes in the 2nd National Online Quiz Competition of the Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series (special discount) to be held on 19th and 20th September
You can register for either the Constitutional Law Quizzes or the Criminal Law Quizzes of the entire Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series (tentative dates given above)
(Includes 4 quizzes each with special discount)
You can register for the entire Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series (tentative dates given above) (Includes 8 quizzes with bumper discount – 4 from Constitutional Law and 4 from Criminal Law)
*Scroll down for registration fee details*
About the 2nd National Online Quiz Competition on Constitutional and Criminal Law from the Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series (to be held on 19th and 20th September respectively)
- This national online quiz competition will contain 2 quizzes – one on constitutional law and one on criminal law which are to be conducted in two consecutive days, i.e. 19th and 20th September.
- A candidate can register for either one OR both of the quizzes. (special discount for registering in both the quizzes. Scroll down to know the fee details)

- This national online quiz competition is open for all interested candidates who are pursuing UG/PG courses, are studying in schools or are legal professionals. Participation is not in any way limited to only law students and registrations from students from different streams, UPSC aspirants, Law Entrance Exams Aspirants and Judiciary Aspirants are welcome.
Mode of Participation
- Online via Google Forms.
- The Link for the quiz would be sent on the WhatsApp Group so formed by the coordinators for the quiz.
- The registered candidate will be added automatically to the group by the coordinators.
Quiz Format
1. Constitutional Law Quiz
The quiz will comprise of 25 questions divided into 2 sections:
a) MCQ (15 questions)
b) Short text- One word or one line (10 questions)
- Quiz Time: 4:00 PM – 4:20PM (19th September 2020)
- The duration of the quiz will be 20 minutes. Any submission after 20 minutes will not be recorded.
- The quiz will be based on Constitutional law and it also may contain historic events based on this.
- There will be NO Negative marking for any wrong attempt or un-attempted questions.
- Each question will carry 1 point.
2. Criminal Law Quiz
The quiz will comprise of 25 questions divided into 2 sections:
a) MCQ (15 questions)
b) Short text- One word or one line (10 questions)
- Quiz Time: 4:00PM – 4:20 PM (20th September 2020)
- The duration of the quiz will be 20 minutes. Any submission after 20 minutes will not be recorded.
- The quiz will be based on Criminal law and its axillary laws. It may also contain historic events based on the subject.
- There will be NO Negative marking for any wrong attempt or un-attempted questions.
- Each question will carry 1 point.
The Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Guidelines
- The link to the quiz will be provided to all the registered participants on the WhatsApp group formed by the coordinators. Participants are required to have an internet connection to take the quiz.
- Any form submitted after the 20 min deadline will not be accepted and no points will be given to any question therewith.
- All ties will go through a 2-stage process:
a) Stage 1: Special “Star Marked (*)” questions are placed at Q5, Q10, Q15, Q20, Q25. In case of any ties, the participant who has attempted more star marked questions will be given preference.
b) Stage 2: In case of tie even after the Stage 1, the participant who has finished the quiz earlier will be given preference.
General Rules
- Both the Quizzes will be conducted on Google Forms as it’s a viable platform that is secure and easy to comprehend for even the first timers.
- The link of the Google form quiz will be open to all participants who have completed their registration process.
- Any kind of discrepancy in the registration process may lead to disqualification in the quiz.
- Participants can take the quiz on their devices like phones, laptops, tablets, etc.
- The coordinators will NOT be responsible in case of failure of the Internet connection or the device failure during the quiz.
Important Dates
Events | Dates |
Last Date of Registration | 17th September 2020 |
Constitutional Law Quiz | 19th September 2020 |
Criminal Law Quiz | 20th September 2020 |
Results | 22nd September 2020 |
Circulation of Certificates and Awards | 27th September 2020 |
NOTE: Results will be declared on the WhatsApp group so formed, our website – https://kanooniyat.com and Social Media handles.
NOTE: Kanooniyat reserves the right to cancel the event at any point before the conduct of the event. In such a case, any fee paid as registration fee shall be refunded in full to the registered participants.
Registration Fee
- For the 2nd National Online Quiz Competition of the Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series to be held on 19th and 20th September
a. For Constitutional Law Quiz (19th September) – Rs. 90
b. For Criminal Law Quiz (20th September) – Rs. 90
c. For both, Constitutional and Criminal Law Quiz – Rs. 140
- For the complete Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series
a. For all Constitutional Law Quizzes (total 4) – Rs. 280
b. For all Criminal Law Quizzes (total 4) – Rs. 280
c. For the complete series (total 8 quizzes – 4 Constitutional Law Quizzes and 4 Criminal Law Quizzes) – Rs. 520
NOTE: On successful registration, an acknowledgment mail be sent to you within 24 hours of the registration.
Registration Procedure
- For registering in the 2nd National Online Quiz Competition of the Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series to be held on 19th and 20th September:
Step 1: Complete the payment of registration fee by visiting this link: CLICK HERE TO PAY and take a screenshot.
Step 2: Fill the google form by visiting this link: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER and upload your screenshot
Step 3: Sit back and relax and we will send an acknowledgment mail to your email Id in 24 hours
- For registering for the complete Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz series comprising 4 quizzes on Constitutional Law and 4 quizzes on Criminal Law:
Step 1: Complete the payment of registration fee by visiting this link: CLICK HERE TO PAY and take a screenshot.
Step 2: Fill the google form by visiting this link: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER and upload your screenshot
Step 3: Sit back and relax and we will send an acknowledgment mail to your email Id in 24 hours
Payment Details
- Payment for 2nd National Online Quiz Competition on Constitutional and Criminal Law from the Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series (to be held on 19th and 20th September respectively): CLICK HERE TO PAY
- Payment for the complete Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series Comprising of 8 quizzes (4 Constitutional Law Quizzes and 4 Criminal Law Quizzes; tentative dates mentioned above): CLICK HERE TO PAY
Awards & Prizes
- Winner: Cash Prize of Rs 1600 to the winner in both the quizzes – Constitutional and Criminal (Rs. 800 in each quiz) + + 50% off on Memo Pundits’Oral Argumentation Course + Certificate of Merit
- 1st Runner Up: Cash Prize of Rs 1000 to the winner in both the quizzes – Constitutional and Criminal (Rs. 500 in each quiz) + 50% off on Memo Pundits’ Oral Argumentation Course + Certificate of Merit
- 2nd Runner Up: Cash Prize of Rs 600 to the winner in both the quizzes – Constitutional and Criminal (Rs. 300 in each quiz) + 50% off on Memo Pundits’ Oral Argumentation Course + Certificate of Merit
- Rank 4th to 8th – Certificate of appreciation
NOTE: 20% off on Memo Pundits’ Oral Argumentation Course + Participation Certificates to all the Participants.
Contact us
For any Query Please contact us at:
Phone No. 7007873010, 8209992708
Email: kanooniyat@gmail.com
Important Links
- Form for Registration to 2nd National Online Quiz Competition: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
- Payment Link for 2nd National Online Quiz Competition on Constitutional and Criminal Law from the Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series (to be held on 19th and 20th September respectively): CLICK HERE TO PAY
- Payment for the complete Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series Comprising of 8 quizzes (4 Constitutional Law Quizzes and 4 Criminal Law Quizzes; tentative dates mentioned above): CLICK HERE TO PAY
- Official Website Link: https://kanooniyat.com