2nd NATIONAL MOVIE REVIEW WRITING COMPETITION 2021 by Our Legal World [Register by 31st March]
A book is a film that takes place in the readers mind but a movie is something that makes the audience actually lives it. The objective of this competition is to bring out the creative skills of the Law Students/ legal fraternity through a movie review. The participants have to write a review of a particular movie/ web-series focusing on the legal perspective and the legal aspects rose in that movie. Our main aim is to spread legal knowledge through various movies and web-series so that a layman can understand the laws.
The Competition is open for all.
You can talk about criticism of the movie; also the participant can mention and refer to the sections and case laws related to the movie and much more. Giving a new aspect to the review will add stars to your work and increase the chances of winning. We have attached a list of movies as suggestion which you can consider (See: Annexure B )
- Winner will receive Rs. 1000 (Cash), Certificate of Merit (Soft Copy), Internship Opportunity with Our Legal World & Free Blog Publication with Our Legal World
- Runner-up will receive Rs. 500 (Cash), Certificate of Merit (Soft Copy), Internship Opportunity with Our Legal World & Free Blog Publication with Our Legal World.
- Next top 3 winners- Certificate of Appreciation+ LLM Entrance Exam Membership Worth Rs. 2000/- + Free Publication with Our Legal World.
- Next top 2 winners- Certificate of Appreciation+ Free Online Drafting OurLegalWorld Course+ Free Publication with OurLegalWorld.
- 10 Best Reviews will be published on the Our Legal World website.
- Soft Copy of Participation Certificate will be awarded to all participants.
- All the Participants will be getting opportunity to free Blog Publication with Our Legal World and 50% off in LLM Entrance Exam Course and Online Drafting Course.
Guidelines & Regulation: Movie Review Writing
1. The review should be original (not published earlier or extracted from other sources)
2. Co-Authorship is not allowed.
3. The length of review should be maximum upto 500-600 words.
4. It must be typed in Ms-Word.
5. Submissions should be in Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing in the main text with the font size 12.
6. Cover Page should carry all details like name, designation, institute, email id and mobile no. of the participants.
7. The participants will be informed details or subsequent changes, if any. If there is any change in the e-mail address of the participants, it may be informed to the above address.
Registration Fee: Rs 100/- (Non-Refundable)
Registration Link: Click here
Please take it screenshot after the payment and upload it on the registration form
Important Dates:
- Last Date of Registration: 31st March, 2021
- Last Date of Submission: 05th April, 2021
- Date of Results: 15th March, 2021
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