Home Law StudentsLegal Opportunities 2021 PACE Youth Multimedia Fellowship Application: Apply by 30th April 2021

2021 PACE Youth Multimedia Fellowship Application: Apply by 30th April 2021

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Fellowship 2021: Leaders from selected organizations will participate in a six-month interactive training program focused on the building blocks of effective and sustainable advocacy. Training topics include understanding and interpreting data and evidence, strategic messaging, multimedia production skills, and community mobilization/engagement best practices. Between monthly training sessions, fellows will use their new skills and knowledge to plan and launch a multimedia campaign focused on a topic of their choice.

Participants will receive coaching and feedback from fellowship staff and senior fellows from Bridge Connect Africa Initiative (BCAI), a youth-led institution based in Kano State, Nigeria. Other direct support, including professional mentorship in multimedia skills and grants for equipment and travel will also be available to fellows.

Campaigns may focus on any population, environment, and reproductive health theme, but they must address a challenge that is relevant to fellows’ countries and communities. Possible campaign themes include:

  • sustainable agriculture
  • deforestation
  • pollution or toxic waste
  • preservation of plant and animal species
  • environmental degradation
  • contraception/family planning
  • child marriage
  • female-genital mutilation/cutting
  • gender-based violence
  • HIV and AIDS
  • maternal health

Highlights from the work of alumni fellows can be found here; prospective applicants are invited to explore what previous cohorts have done to get ideas for the types of products they may choose to develop during their fellowship.

The Making a Difference with Multimedia Fellowship is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and is organized by PRB under the Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health (PACE) project, which recognizes that young people are powerful agents of transformation when armed with effective communication tools and strategies.


Applications will be considered only if they meet all the requirements listed below. Please read these criteria carefully before applying.

Requirements for organizational applicants:

  • Led by youth (ages 18-29)
  • Able to communicate effectively in English, as trainings and correspondence with PACE staff will be done in English (advocacy campaigns can be in other languages).
  • Must be based in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, India, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen, or Zambia (USAID family planning priority countries)
  • Must read, understand, and commit to the USAID Global Health Legislative and Policy Requirements


Applications must be submitted online and are due by midnight (Eastern US time) on April 30, 2021, although we encourage interested organizations to apply as soon as possible. Please designate one individual to complete and submit the application on behalf of your organization, as only one application per organization will be considered. The selection process is expected to be competitive, with a large volume of applications received for a relatively small number of fellowship spots.

All applications that meet the requirements will be reviewed and considered, and finalists will be invited to participate in a virtual interview with PACE staff. Organizations selected for the 2021 fellowship cohort will be notified by the end of May. Project kickoff and the first monthly training session will take place in June, with additional training sessions and campaign activities continuing through December 2021.

Official Notification: CLICK HERE

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