Home Law StudentsCall for Papers Call For Blogs for Libertatem Magazine, No Fee + Publication Certificate with ISSN Number: Submissions on Rolling Basis

Call For Blogs for Libertatem Magazine, No Fee + Publication Certificate with ISSN Number: Submissions on Rolling Basis

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Libertatem Magazine

Libertatem Magazine is a Legal News Media Arm of Libertatem Media Private Limited, a Government of India recognized startup, which is on a mission to provide open access legal updates to each of its readers. We do not hide any content behind a paywall as we do not wish to earn from your hard work.

Unlike other blogs, we aim to provide quality edited posts and contents which are well crafted and factually correct.

Hence, here we are, inviting contribution towards Libertatem Magazine in the form of Articles, Blogs, Case Comments, How-To, Short Notes etc. Interested Authors shall submit their work as per the below-mentioned guidelines.

Who can submit?

We are inviting submissions only from Law Students.

Themes for Submissions

Libertatem is a news organization and hence we are inviting Law Articles/ Legal Blogs/ Case Comments. There is no restriction based on any specific subject or area of research. 

You are free to choose your own topic but it should be a Law Article or Blogs. 

Types of Submission

  • Article – You can submit any short article of around 800-1500 words. It can from any law subject. Note: It should not be a research paper. Articles prepared as a college project can also be submitted.
  • Blog – Blogs can be on any subject and will be published under the blogs category. Word Limit would be maximum 1500 words.
  • Case Comment/ Case Analysis – Case Comment on any landmark case can be submitted. Maximum word limit would be 1000 words. Case Comments should atleast mandatorily contain Facts, Arguments, Interpretation of Legal Principles by the Court, Judgement. The more information, the better it is. Case Comments prepared as a college project can also be submitted.
  • How-to Writeups – You can also submit writeups detailing any procedural work such as How to Incorporate a Private Limited CompanyHow to apply for FSSAI License, etc. Writeups must contain screenshots/ high quality images/ links to make it interactive and easy for readers to understand.
  • Short Notes – Shorts Notes on legal topics or maxim is also appreciated. For eg. A detailed writeup on Audi Alteram Partem or a detailed writeup on Res Judicata etc. Minimum word limit should be 800 words and maximum 1200 words.

General Submission Guidelines

  • Co-Authorship is allowed to a maximum of two authors.
  • Make sure your sentences are not very long.
  • Divide your topic into a proper subheading.
  • Use short paragraphs. Keep in mind that each paragraph carries one idea, avoid dragging sentences and paragraphs to make it look like one big chunk of information. 
  • Do not use difficult words. Instead, use simple words. Refrain from over-complicating the language with multiple words
  • Use free tools such as Grammarly to make sure there are no spelling and grammatical mistakes.
  • Please refer to the sources as hyperlinks in the body of the text. In keeping with the informal style of the blog and web publishing, it is mandatory for you to refrain from using footnotes and use hyperlinks instead.
  • Submission of the draft post must be in MS-Word format (.doc/.docx).
  • Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.


The submission must be the Original Work of the Author. No Plagiarism is allowed. Exceptions for plagiarism is Judgement Text, Quotes from Judges or any statement. 

Word Limit & Referencing

  • Although we have a strict minimum word policy i.e. at least 500 words, however, we prefer blog posts that have a minimum of 800 words. The maximum word limit is 1,500 words. Only in certain exceptional cases, you are allowed to exceed the word limit. We do not reject the article solely on exceeding the word limit.
  • The submission should not have any Footnotes. If there is a need to cite from the Internet, hyperlink it in the Text itself. Hyperlinks are like this.

Submission Procedure

All submission should be made via the Submission Portal here – CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT 

Publication Fees

There is no submission/ publication fee.

Certificate of Publication

Libertatem Magazine is one of the handful of legal portals which are registered with ISSN. Hence, each of your publication counts as a valid publication.

An e-certificate of a publication bearing ISSN Number will be issued upon the successful publication of the blog. Publication on the website may take around 5-7 days depending on the blog and the editing involved. Once your submission is published, you can expect the certificates within 1-2 weeks. 

Grounds for Rejection of your work

  • In case we find plagiarism, your work will be either rejected or sent back to you. This decision depends on the Editor. If you want to check for plagiarism yourself before submission, you can use some free plagiarism checker tools available online such as Duplichecker or Small SEO Tools Plagiarism Checker which are freely available. 
  • Libertatem’s Editorial Team reserves the right to reject your submission or send the submission back to you for correction. In case the Editorial Team decides to send the submission back for corrections, you will have a maximum of 24 hours to send the revised work to the editor. 
  • Poor English or too many grammatical mistakes will also lead to rejection if you are not able to send a revised error-free version instantly. Same applies to the issue of poor sentence structure.
  • Libertatem’s Editorial Team reserves the right to reject the submission on any other ground not mentioned in this document.

Contact Details of Editorial Board Members

Ajay Raj: +91 7017108290

Ayush Menon: +91 7012717564

Dhwani Pandya: +91 9998784742

Ayush Jain: +91 7440772911


Submission Guidelines: CLICK HERE

Submission Portal: CLICK HERE

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At Kanooniyat, it is our endeavour to provide authentic information from verified organisations. However, it is strongly advised that you do your own research on the legitimacy of the particular organisation and the opportunity before applying or making any monetary transactions.

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