Home Law StudentsSeminars NLUJA Assam Presents Webinar on World Environment Day: June 05, 2021

NLUJA Assam Presents Webinar on World Environment Day: June 05, 2021

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World Environment Day

NLUJA Assam Presents Webinar on World Environment Day: June 05, 2021


National Law University and Judicial Academy Assam (NLUJAA) is a premier institute of legal education set up in the year 2011 with the enactment of the National Law School and Judicial Academy, Assam Act, 2009 (Assam Act No. XXV of 2009) by the Government of Assam. Ever since its inception, the University has endeavoured towards achieving higher standards of legal education and has focused on inculcating practical argumentative skills amongst students.


On the occasion of World Environment Day on June 5th, 2021, NLUJAA is inviting Prof. Deepa Badrinarayana from Dale E. Fowler School of Law, Chapman University, California to deliver a lecture on the topic: “IS INDIA HEADING TOWARDS A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS? – A CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVE”. The guest lecture series is a part of the flagship programme “Bharat Ka Amrut Mahotsav”, an initiative by the University Grants Commission (UGC). The idea behind the UGC initiative is to create a vision for India in 2047. Thus, to mark this special occasion, we endeavour to examine India-centric environmental issues through a critical lens. 


About half of India’s population is dependent upon agriculture or other climate-sensitive sectors. Growing emissions have made it the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. Bearing this in mind, the protection of Constitutional rights is threatened by its role in advancing climate change. Part III of the Constitution of India confers Fundamental Rights, which includes Article 21, the Right to Life.

The Supreme Court held that the violation of Fundamental Rights is unconstitutional without following the “procedure established by law”. In the context of climate change, since there is no procedure of law by which citizens can be denied these rights, contravention of the rights constitutes a constitutional violation. In light of this, Dr. Badrinarayana will discuss the current climate change laws of India. This is in addition to remedies to the violation of rights due to climate change and the shared liability among nations pertaining to climate change.


Please note that no registration fee will be charged to the attendees. All attendees will be provided with a certificate of participation.

Date: 5th June, 2021

Time: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Platform: Google Meet

The link to join the meeting and further details will be shared with registered participants.


Open to all including students of law. 

Please note that the maximum participants allowed in the Google Meet is 250. Participants will be allowed on first-come-first-serve basis. 




Email: mahotsav@nluassam.ac.in 

Phone: +91 99575 88335 (Abhishree Kashyap)

+91 89626 79271 (Vishwa Pratap Singh)

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