Home Law StudentsLegal Opportunities 6th National Essay Writing Competition on Nation and Nationalism 2022 by Amity Law School: Register by Feb 10!

6th National Essay Writing Competition on Nation and Nationalism 2022 by Amity Law School: Register by Feb 10!

by Ajshal
Essay Writing Competition

About Amity Law School

Amity Law School (ALS), under the Faculty of Law, a part of Amity University Haryana, Gurugram, was established under Haryana Act 10 of 2010. Amity Law School offers regular programmes approved by Bar Council of India (BCI) such as B.A. LL.B (H), B.B.A. LL.B (H), B.Com. LL.B (H). It also offers LL.M (one year) in Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Corporate Law. Ph.D in Legal Studies has also been added to the programme list of ALS.

The Law School has benefited a large number of students by helping them to develop analytical mindset and zeal to excel in legal profession. The Institute offers practical studies under various Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes with extensive student-centric pedagogies to produce excellent learning outcomes. Moot Court, Mock Trials, Model United Nations, Parliamentary Debates, Institutional Workshops, Seminars, Mentor-Mentee Meets and project-based educational conferences create dynamic and proactive graduates with capacities for lifelong learning.

About the Competition

Amity Law School is organizing the 6th edition of its acclaimed “National Essay Writing Competition on Nation and Nationalism 2022” in collaboration with Legal Bites. The Competition offers the students the opportunity to elaborate on their ideals of nationalism, nation-building and the overall socio-economic growth of the nation. The aim is to promote the ideals of nation and nationalism in its true sense where the head is held high and each individual respects and appreciates the diversity and strives for collective success.

Nationalism is a diverse and complex phenomenon. A state is a political entity with (usually) clearly defined territorial borders. Nations are more fluid—defined at their most basic by a sense of belonging to a community, and possessing a sense of separateness. In India, as we all know the growth of modern nationalism is intimately linked to the anti-colonial movement.

Nationalism strengthens with the belief of the people that they are all part of the same nation i.e a sense of collective belonging which is a culmination of a variety of cultural processes. The concept within itself is a sentiment of loyalty towards the nation in its broader sense cultivating a sense of unity amongst the citizens.

The father of our Constitution B.R Ambedkar had immense faith in the bright future and evolution of India and when he spoke of attaining freedom his ultimate goal was to unite the people of the nation. He said,

“So far as the ultimate goal is concerned, none of us has any apprehension or doubt. Our difficulty was not about the ultimate thing but how to unite the heterogeneous mass that we are today to take a decision in common and march in a cooperative way on that road, which is bound to lead us to unity.”

The central idea of modern nationalism is to promote amongst all a collective brotherhood which means standing up for one another in times of despair and strive for collective success to promote individual growth which will in itself culminate into the overall growth of the nation.

Theme of the Competition

Nation and Nationalism


  1. Age of Marriage
  2. Conflicting Customs and Human Rights
  3. Cooperative Federalism
  4. Criminalisation of Addiction
  5. Cryptocurrency and Regulation
  6. Election, Education, Entertainment and Shutdown amid Pandemic
  7. Environmental Crisis
  8. Freedom of Press and the Indian Courts
  9. Good governance
  10. Hate Speech
  11. Majoritarianism
  12. National Security
  13. Strengths of Democracy
  14. Uniform Civil Code
  15. Women and Inheritance

(Please Note: Your title needs to be different from the sub-themes)


National Essay Writing Competition

  • The Competition is open for all students or professionals pursuing/completed Undergraduate and Post Graduate courses in/from any recognized University across the country.
  • Co-authorship: up-to two authors are permitted.

Registration Fee

National Essay Writing Competition

  • Single Author- Rs. 450
  • Co-Author- Rs. 800


National Essay Writing Competition

Single Author: Click here to Register

Co-Author: Click here to Register

Submission Guidelines

National Essay Writing Competition

  • The essay must be written in English.
  • The Essay should be of minimum 1500 words.
  • Co-authorship of maximum two members is allowed.
  • No part of the essay (except the cover page) should contain any identification of the author. Every participant will be allotted a submission code on registration.
  • All submissions must be original and a bonafide effort of the participants and should not be submitted for any other purpose except the competition.
  • Moreover, any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of essay. Organisers reserves all rights regarding eligibility/qualification/disqualification/publication of the submissions.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Font – Times New Roman; Font Size – 12
  • Line Spacing – 1.5; Alignment – Justified.
  • Footnote Font Size – 10; Footnote Spacing – 1

*A confirmation mail will be sent on approval of registration.

Submission Procedure

  • The submission shall consist of Cover Page [containing the allotted submission code and Title of Essay], Abstract and Essay.
  • An abstract should not be more than 300 words including title and keywords. The essay should not be more than 3000 words (excluding footnotes and abstract).
  • Proper references/sources should be quoted.
  • The essay is to be submitted at alshmoot2016@gmail.com in word (doc or docx.) format with the subject titled Nation and Nationalism 2022: [Submission Code]
  • All participants should strictly abide by the guidelines. Any deviance shall lead to disqualification.

Scoring of the Essay

While assessing the documents the weightage would be given as below:

  • Originality and clarity of the content
  • Quality of the analysis and research
  • Language and Structure of the essay
  • Grammar, syntax and form Copyright
  • All the essays submitted shall be exclusive property of Organizers.
  • Organizers shall be free to use the information/ views therein in any manner it requires.
  • Organizers shall not be responsible for any essay(s) not received. No essay shall be entertained if received after the deadline.
  • Decision of Organizers in deciding the winner(s) shall be final and binding and NO query, correspondence etc. in this regard shall be entertained by the Organizers.
  • Laws of India with the jurisdiction of courts at Delhi shall apply to this competition.

Important Dates:

  • Last Date of Registration – 10th February 2022
  • Last Date of Submission – 20th February 2022
  • Announcement of Result – 10th March 2022

No submission will be accepted after the last date of submission.


  • First Position – Certificate of Excellence + 5,000 INR + Publication of Essay
  • Second Position – Certificate of Excellence + 3,000 INR + Publication of Essay
  • Third Position – Certificate of Excellence + 2,000 INR + Publication of Essay

Certificate of Merit would be awarded to the top ten participants [Excluding Top-Three].

Certificate of Participation will be given to all the participants.


  • Shortlisted essays will be published online with the name of the author.
  • A soft copy of the Certificate of Participation will be sent to all the participants after the successful declaration of the results.
  • Only a Printable Digital certificate will be sent.


For any further details or queries, please write to alshmoot2016@gmail.com


At Kanooniyat, it is our endeavour to provide authentic information from verified organisations. However, it is strongly advised that you do your own research on the legitimacy of the particular organisation and the opportunity before applying or making any monetary transactions.

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