Home Law StudentsLegal Opportunities National Writ Petition Drafting Competition by Christ University: Register by November 30

National Writ Petition Drafting Competition by Christ University: Register by November 30

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Petition Drafting Competition

National Writ Petition Drafting Competition by Christ University: Register by November 30


The Constitutional Law Studies and Orientation Committee (CLSOC), is  devoted towards enduring the legacy of organizing activities that entail exploring realms of  Constitutional law and engaging in discussions on contemporary issues of Constitutional importance. The CLSOC looks forward to stay dedicated and emerge victorious in its aims by organizing various discussion forums, competitions, quizzes, guest lectures and seminars. The committee is set to celebrate the National Constitution Day, 2021 by engaging Guest Lectures and Competitions open for participation to students of Law from all over the country.


The Constitutional Law Studies and Orientation Committee, in the celebration of National Constitution Day, 2021, introduces the 1st National Writ Petition Drafting Competition. The competition aims at spreading awareness among students of law regarding the effective use of Constitutional tools for securing human and living rights particularly through the drafting of Writ Petition. It aims at enhancing the legal skills amongst students by simulating a real life case requiring participants to analyse and formulate a true-to-life draft of an appropriate Writ Petition.


  1. All participants must be students of LL.B. / B.L. and may be either from three years or five years course.
  2. Participants may take part either individually or in groups of two per entry, i.e. each entry may consist of either 1 or 2 participants.


  1. There shall be no entry fees for the competition.
  2. The Proposition seeks to simulate a real life situation of a client submitting her case to her counsel along with supporting documents seeking to file an appropriate Writ at the appropriate Court of Law within India.
  3. The participants are to rely on the various annexures given in the Proposition to discern the crux of the facts and legal issues involved.
  4. The Participants are to refer to the Model Writ attached herewith as Attachment 1 to draft the following five parts of a Writ Petition, namely:
    1. Affidavit along with Grounds for issuing appropriate writ

(Containing the submissions of the facts of the case, applicable case laws, prayer, grounds for seeking writ and prayer for appropriate writ, all in the form of an oath/deposition given by the Petitioner)

  • Memorandum of Writ Petition

(Containing Address for Service of Petitioner and Respondents along with the prayer seeking appropriate Writ)

  • Index To Types Set of Papers

(Containing in chronological order the list of documents relevant to the case including Certificates Issued, Bonds Signed, Regd. Notices Served, Acknowledgement Receipt of the served Regd. Notices)

  • List of Dates and Events

(Containing the list of relevant dates and events in chronological order as mentioned in the affidavit)

  • Synopsis

(Containing the summary/crux of the matter in a concise manner).

  • Submissions missing any of the above mentioned parts shall not be considered for evaluation.
  • While following the Model Writ attached herewith as Attachment 1, the spaces and blanks left unfilled in the same shall be left unfilled in the final submission as well. For Example: The “Page Nos.” column under the Index to Typed Set of Papers shall be left empty in the final submission.
  • Model Writ (Attachment 1) in Word Format (.Docx) shall be found in the following Drive Link –   CLICK HERE.
  • Participants seeking to partake in the competition shall first register themselves before 30.11.2021, 11.59 PM using the following Registration Link CLICK HERE.
  • The final submissions are to be made on or before 30.11.2021, 11.59 PM using the following Submission Link –  CLICK HERE.
  • Submissions made after 30.11.2021, 11.59 PM, shall not be considered for evaluation.


The submissions would be judged based on the following parameters:

  1. Clarity of the subject matter of the petition in relation the facts as elucidated in the proposition.
  2. Application of the appropriate precedents in support of the petition.
  3. Appropriateness of the Type of Writ sought in the prayer.
  4. Merits, eloquence and conciseness of the overall draft.
  5. Accuracy of formatting of the submission in relation to the Model Writ attached herewith as Attachment 1.


  1. The Winner and Runner Up i.e. the Top Two submissions shall be declared on 03.12.2021 in the Event URL as listed below and via their respective emails.


  1. All the participants shall be awarded Participation Certificates via email. 
  2. The Top Two submissions shall each be awarded a Certificates of Excellence and a Cash Prize. 
  3. The Top Two submissions shall be published in the following Event URL: CLICK HERE


The Proposition and all other relevant information shall be found in the Event URL as follows: CLICK HERE


Launch of the Competition 20th November 2021
Last Date to make Submission 30th November 2021
Felicitation of Winners 3rd December 2021

For enquiries or more details, please send an email to: constitution.committee@law.christuniversity.in


Proposition: CLICK HERE

Model Writ: CLICK HERE


Bhavini Sharma: +91 9996627771

Ambarish D: +91 9629020381

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