About Maharishi Law School
Maharishi Law School (MLS) established in 2017 under Maharishi University of information Technology. Maharishi Law School is one of the premier Law School managed by Maharishi Society. This Law School is known for its teaching methodology and offers its UG and PG programs. The School of Law also encourages the students to participate in academic events like Moot Courts, Debate, Quiz, Seminars, Conferences and workshops etc. in inter university/ college and intra college competitions. The MLS also maintains a free Legal Aid Clinic so as to acquaint the students with the client counsel interactive process. MLS have a spacious law library with good number of text books, law journals, periodicals as well as online access to legal data bases for catering the needs of the students. MLS believes to achieve excellence in education progress serving the public and fostering justice.
About the Conference
Human rights are a generic term as it embraces civil rights, civil liberties and social, economic and cultural rights. It can be said that these rights that all people have by virtue of being human are human rights. Rights being immunities denote that there is a guarantee that certain things cannot or ought not to be done to a person against his will. An individual can seek human rights only in an organized community i.e. a state where the civil social order exists. No one can imagine invoking them in a state of anarchy where there is hardly any right to a citizen. Area of Constitutional Governance & Human Rights are required to be focused and shall be discussed its challenges and with outcome through the International Conference.
Human rights are at the heart of the constitutional order of a modern State, not only determining relationships between the individual, groups and the State, but also permeating State structures, and decision-making and oversight processes. As a consequence, a bill of rights constitutes an integral part of a modern constitution. At the same time, gaps in the implementation of human rights at the national and international level, whether individual or where appropriate collective rights, often originate from shortcomings in the area of constitutional law.
As the highest law of a country, the constitution is at the centre of the political and social life of the country and defines the relationship between the State and the society, and between the different functions of the State. A country may have a constitution, but not necessarily “constitutionalism”. Constitutional governance simply means ‘governance’ according to the constitution. It recognizes the need for the government insisting upon limitation being placed upon government powers. It envisages check and balances and put power of the legislature & executive under the restrains. Otherwise, it would jeopardize freedom of people and lead to an authoritarian oppressive government.
Furthermore, the Constitution acts as grundnorm which reflects the nature of the relationship between the institutions of government and the society and once the principles and duties join hands with rights; the State becomes a welfare state. Due to the welfare nature of the State, it becomes the indispensable duty of the state to deal with its citizens to ensure proper functioning of the welfare machinery and do the oiling when required. The essence of good governance lies in respecting the human rights of individuals in order to strike a near perfect balance between development and empowerment. In that sense, human rights and individual development share a common vision and serve an overall purpose of development of all. Human rights are inherent in all the individuals irrespective of their caste, religion, sex and nationality. These rights are essential for the entire individual society as they are consonant with freedom and dignity and are conducive to physical, moral, social and spiritual welfare.
This conference seeks to lay an impact on the various challenges while implementing human rights in an effective manner keeping in mind.
Significance and Challenges of Human Rights-
Sub Themes:
- Women & Human Rights
- Changing concept of humanity in present era
- Human rights, constitution and culture
- Human Right and right to be human
- Democracy & Protection of Human rights
- Equality: Reducing inequalities, advancing human rights
- Cooperative Federalism
- Role of Judicial Institution in Constitutional Governance
- Role of Indian Government to achieve the goals envisaged by constitution
- Constitutional Policy and Political justice in India
- Amendments to Indian Constitution and various challenges
- Separation of Powers between various organs Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and Institutions
- Appointment to various Constitutional Posts, Powers, Functions and Responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies
- Important aspects of Governance, Transparency and Accountability, E governance-Application, models, success, limitations and potential, Citizen Charters
- Transparency & Accountability, Institutional & other measures
- Role of Civil Services in a Democracy
- Constitutional Governance and Prison Reforms
- Global Governance of Human Rights
- Trafficking, Terrorism and Human Rights
- Independence guaranteed by the National Constitution or by statutes
- Role played by Civil Society in Promoting, Protecting and Monitoring the Human Rights
- Directive Principles of State Policies and Human Rights
- Constitutional Governance and Rule of Law
- Constitutional Governance and Access to Justice
- Constitutional Governance Moral Values and Ethics
- Human Rights vis-à-vis Child Rights
- Role of Human Right Institutions for maintaining the Human Rights
- Any other topic which is has relevance with the main theme.
The International Conference is being organized by the Maharishi Law School, Maharishi University of Information Technology, Noida in association with MyLawman and Criminological Research and Development Organisation (CRDO), New Delhi. The theme of the Conference is “Human Rights: Challenges and Solutions”. Conference will be held on 11th Feb 2023 (Saturday) in Hybrid mode. The Conference will be a one day event where academicians, experts, lawyers, research scholars and students from India and abroad will present their papers on the broad themes for the conference. The authors can present papers and participate in the respective thematic session. Selected papers will be published in a SCOPUS/UGC CARE JOURNAL/ISBN/Maharishi Journal of Law and Society.
Registration Fees:
For Offline Mode-
- Academician/Advocate/Industry Expert: Single Author: Rs. 1000 INR
(With Co-Author: Rs.1200 INR)
- Research Scholar/Student- Rs. 700 INR(Single Author) Rs. 1000/- INR (with Co- author)
For Online Mode-
- Single Author: Rs. 1200 INR
- Co-Author: Rs. 1400 INR
Important Deadlines
? Abstract Submission Deadline: Jan 10, 2022.
?Registration & Full Paper submission Deadline: 20th January, 2023
Contact Us
For more information about the conference, you are welcome to contact the organizing committee
directly via mlsmuitconference@gmail.com
Abstract and full paper can be submitted through provided Email ID.
For more information about the event, please visit the conference website:
Join Kanooniyat’s WhatsApp group to get notified immediately. Also, check us out on Instagram and LinkedIn
Also Read:
- CoP | International Conference on Human Rights: Challenges and Solutions [11th Feb 2023] by Maharishi Law School: Submit by Jan 10!
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- CoP | International Conference on Human Rights: Challenges and Solutions [11th Feb 2023] by Maharishi Law School: Submit by Dec 30!
- CfP | Indraprastha Law Review, Vol. III Issue II (ISSN No. 2583-5653): Submit by Jan 30!
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