About The Organisers: DME Law School, Noida
Delhi Metropolitan Education (DME) is an ‘A’ grade premier educational institute affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU), New Delhi. DME imparts education in the fields of Law, Management and Journalism, with the law courses approved by the Bar Council of India. The institute is located in the IT hub of NCR and is housed in a splendid building laced with modern educational facilities, a sine qua non for enhancing students’ creativity and capabilities. The sister institutes of DME include Mayoor School, Noida (in collaboration with Mayo College, Ajmer), Delhi World Public School, Greater Noida (West) and Delhi Technical Campus (DTC), Greater Noida.
The conference is being organized by the DME Law School. The Law school offers 5-year integrated B.A., LL. B & B.B.A., LL. B programs and practices project-based pedagogy with a strong connect between the classroom teaching and evolving legal & corporate needs.
Nine years remained to the deadline the world had given to itself in the Rio Conference of 1992 for fulfilment Sustainable Development Goals before the recent UN Conference on Climate Change was held in Glasgow. If there was any display of unity between the Global North and the Global South, it was visible in their unanimous agreement of pushing the deadlines further away. Apart from that even today the tussle between the developed and the developing nation remains to be same. There have been numerous conferences and academic discourses undertaken in the last three decades which try to unravel this seemingly impossible balance of conserving the environment and development of nations. The solutions perhaps are also deferred to forever extending deadlines, never to culminate into reality. There were many sterling statements made during the 2021 COP, such as Tuvalu’s Head of the State standing knee deep in the ocean to highlight the plight of the sinking island due to rise in sea level, however these statements would only remain to be mere lip service theatrics unless the nations of the world do not materialise the principles of intergenerational equity and a collective responsibility towards Environment as an individual being.
This Conference aims to bring questions of Intergenerational Equity into sharp relief in the light of the recent developments, global and domestic events that highlight the drawbacks and lacuna of an anthropocentric environmental discourse. We hope to create a space where alternative ideas of environment, distinct from the current one which is revolving around the notions of propriety-ship, may be imagined and discussed. Whether our rivers and forests are the property of the nation or legal personalities in their own sense? Whether this distinct legal personality, which is that of a human being, enough to protect environment? Whether calling these entities- air, water, living animals, minerals, stones and rocks as “resources”-defeat our larger scheme of conservation of environment? These are few of the many questions that are hoped to be addressed in this Conference. The unresolvable conflict between the Global North and South seems to be a diversion which shadows these extremely pertinent questions poised before our future generations, who perhaps need a re-imagination of Earth and its various natural entities, which have suffered massive exploitation with incomprehensible reparations.
Call For Contributions
Academicians, scientists, research scholars, faculty members, students and other relevant stakeholders of all disciplines are invited to contribute in this conference. Research papers describing original and unpublished works of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas related to environment, law and technology are cordially invited for presentation at the conference.

Major Sub-Themes
- Gender and climate change
- Transformation of law and business: pricing of Natural resources to achieve Sustainable Development
- Sustainability of Integrated Coastal Management: Legal Framework and its effective enforcement
- Community-based water law: water resource management reform in developing countries.
- Evolution of International Laws based on the UN Conventions for Environmental Sustainability over the years.
- Harmonizing the Domestic and International Trade laws and policies in corroboration Sustainable Development.
- Natural Resource management and conflict resolution in Asian region
- Environmental Refugees: The Grey Area
- India’s Green Industrial Policy Pursuing Clean Energy for Green Growth
- COP 26 and its outcomes
- Strengthening the Paris Agreement: Focusing on Loss and Damage due to climate change
- The Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Environmental Protection: A Focus on Asian region
- Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts
- Ocean Based Technological Responses to Climate Change
- Environmental Damages During Warfare/ Nuclear launches
- Development and transfer of technologies
- International Carbon Markets
- Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA)
- Solar Energy- Issues of technology, Efficiency and legislation.
- Climate change and public health-Impacts, Mitigation of risks and Preparedness for Crisis Management.
- Green growth
- Population growth- Impact on sustainability and Intergenerational equity
- Anthropocentrism
- Post-Pandemic Economic Fragility and Sustainable Development
- Global North-South Dialogue in Contemporary times
- Carbon footprint reduction: Improving efficiency and effectiveness
- Transportation adaptability
- Empowering societies and citizens with ethical sustainable development techniques
- Resilience in complex socio-ecological system
- Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
Date and Mode
Date: 25th and 26th March 2022
Mode: The conference will be conducted in hybrid mode with both online and offline components. This is subject to the Government of India guidelines pertaining to SARS-Cov-2, issued from time to time.
Each participant shall have to pay a nominal registration fee (amount mentioned below) at the time of submission of abstracts to participate in the conference. The abstract in word document format should be attached in the google form along with the details in the link mentioned below.
Participants may Register at CLICK HERE
Please note that the conference will be held in the hybrid mode. The registration charges (along with abstract submissions) can be made at any time on or before 31st January 2022. Please mention the subject as ‘Law Conference’ while making the payment. If it is a co-authorship, both participants are required to pay the registration fees separately.
Fee payable through IMPS/NEFT:
Delhi Metropolitan Education
HDFC Bank Ltd., Sector 18, Noida
Account No: 50100187447560
IFSC: HDFC0001592
Students | Rs. 300/- |
Faculty and Research Scholars | Rs. 700/- |
Other Professionals | Rs. 1000/- |
International Participants | $50 |
Important Dates
Last date for submission of Abstract and Registration | 31st January 2022 |
Last date for Submission of Full Article | 28th February 2022 |
Final listing of accepted papers | 6th March 2022 |
Date of Conference | 25th and 26th March 2022 |
Guidelines For Paper Submission
- Well researched papers, articles and case studies are invited from students, scholars/researchers, faculties, bar and bench and other professionals.
- Co-authorship up to two authors are permitted. Each co-author would be required to pay the registration fees separately.
- The manuscript must be typed in MS Word Times New Roman, Font size 12 and 1.5 spacing on A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides.
- Footnotes should follow uniform ILI style of citation.
- The papers should be thematic and not more than 4000 words (3000 words is appreciable). Each paper should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words.
- The sub-themes provided are merely indicative and not exhaustive. Participants are free to choose any topic of their choice relevant to the central theme of the conference.
- The abstract as well as the article should indicate title of the paper, name of the author(s) and organization(s), contact number, relevant sub-theme and e-mail address.
- Research papers/articles submitted should be accompanied with a declaration by the author(s), stating that the contents of the research paper are original and have not been published elsewhere.
- All papers shall be strictly subjected to anti-plagiarism software and shall be scrutinized through blind review of the Editorial board.
- Selected research papers shall be published in a UGC CARE Listed Journal/ Journal with ISSN or in a book bearing ISBN at an additional cost.
- The abstract and the complete papers to be sent at lawconference2022@dme.ac.in
Contact Us
Ms. Bedapriya Lahiri (8305261053)
Ms. Gayatri Kapur (8826923334)
Ms. Manogya Misra (8920538075)
Mr. Dhimaan Dutta (8527022312)
Important Links
Join Kanooniyat’s WhatsApp group to get notified immediately. Also, check us out on Instagram and LinkedIn
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