Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University is an institute for law in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. Dr. RMLNLU was established in the year 2005, and since then, has been providing undergraduate and post-graduate legal education.
About the Journal Committee
The Committee was constituted with the objective of promoting legal research and writing. Apart from conducting the RMLNLU International Legal Essay Writing Competition every year, the Committee annually publishes two peer reviewed journals – the RMLNLU Law Review and the RMLNLU Journal on CMET (Communication, Media, Entertainment and Technology) Law. Both these journals publish articles, essays, case notes/comments and book reviews from contributors all over the world. The RMLNLU Law Review also runs a blog which provides a platform for people in the field to express their opinions on contemporary legal issues.
About the Journal
The RMLNLU Journal on Communication, Media, Entertainment & Technology Law (hereinafter ‘the Journal’) is an annual, student-edited, peer-reviewed law journal published by the Journal Committee of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow.
Through this Journal, the Committee aims to foster the spirit of writing and set in motion a discourse among knowledgeable intellectuals from various fields of law.
The Journal Committee is pleased to announce the call for papers for The RMLNLU Journal on Communication, Media, Entertainment & Technology Law, Volume IX.
This is a theme based journal and only accepts submissions pertaining to the same.

Call for Papers
The Journal accepts submissions from law students, academicians and legal professionals all over the country and abroad in the form of:
- Articles: 5000-7000 words. (These are evaluations of specific contemporary issues and aim at conceptualizing the issues in a unique and unconventional manner. The assessment of contemporary issues shall be appreciated, though not mandatory).
- Case notes/comments: 2000-3000 words. (These are assessments of the aim and legal impact of contemporary judgments and legislations).
- Book Reviews: 2000-3000 words. (Entries submitted under this category may present innovative evaluations of present literature).
- Essays: 4000-5000 words.
The submissions may be on any contemporary legal issue connected with media law and its allied fields of communications, entertainment and technology. The authors are expected to adhere to the prescribed word limit as indicated above.
Note: The prescribed word limits exclude Abstract, whose word limit has been prescribed in the guidelines that follow, and footnotes, wherein speaking footnotes must be avoided wherever possible.
Each of these entries shall be required to conform to the set of guidelines that follow.
Submission Guidelines
The formatting shall be as per the following:
- Title: Bold, Underlined, Uppercase, Size 16, and Centre Aligned
- Headings: Bold, Uppercase, Size 14, and left-aligned.
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font size: 12 pts.
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margin: 1” from all sides
- Alignment: Justified
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font size: 10 pts.
- Line Spacing: 1.0
- Alignment: Left
All the sources in the footnotes must be properly cited strictly in accordance with the latest OSCOLA (4th edition) format. No endnotes or speaking footnotes (descriptive footnotes) are allowed.
General Instructions
- The submission should be original and non-plagiarised. They should exhibit originality in thought, critical evaluation, and careful interpretations. Submission of a paper shall be taken to imply that it is an unpublished work and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
- Co-Authorship to a maximum of two members is allowed. However, co-authorship is not allowed in “book reviews” and “case notes/comments”.
- Acknowledgement and Declaration by the author(s) need not be included.
- The contents should in no way, directly or indirectly, indicate or reference the identity of the author(s).
- The author(s) must send in the cover letter in the body of the mail, which must contain all the relevant biographical details (Name of the author(s), their degrees, Designation, Name of College/University/Institution, Postal Address(es), Phone Number and email ID). A separate attachment as a cover letter will not be entertained.
- The authors must attach only one manuscript to the mail which must include the abstract and the main content of the paper. The authors must refrain from adding any other information (such as personal information, declarations) in this manuscript.
- The file name of the attached manuscript must be the name(s) of the author(s).
- The subject title for the mail must be ‘Article/Essay/Case Comment/Book Review for Volume IX’.
- Editors’ decisions shall be final and binding. They reserve the sole rights to the publication of the selected articles in addition to, inter alia, any edits/amends/reproduction.
- The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of the Journal Committee, Dr. RMLNLU.
How to submit?
The submissions may be emailed to cmet.rmlnlu@gmail.com in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.
Please note, that only one submission per author or a team of co-authors is permissible. In case of more than one submission, only the one received first would be considered for review.
Submission Deadline and Review
The deadline for submission of the manuscript is 25th February 2022, before 11:59 pm.
There shall be a rigorous review process comprising 3 stages and spanning 45 days. The authors shall be intimated about the status of their manuscript at every stage.
Contact Us
Dhaman Trivedi: +91 9026133406
Stuti Rastogi: +91 7376182209
Aditya Pattanayak: +91 9818849520
E-mail: cmet.rmlnlu@gmail.com
Click here for CMET’s Official Website
Join Kanooniyat’s WhatsApp group to get notified immediately. Also, check us out on Instagram and LinkedIn
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- Webinar on ” International Trade Rules and Incoterms 2020 ” by Gujarat Maritime University (GMU) in association with the International Chamber of Commerce: Dec 29
- Blog Writing Series on International Humanitarian Law- CASH, RGNUL: Submit Now!
- 7th Pranita Mehta Memorial Essay Writing Competition by Corporate Law Society, NLU Jodhpur: Register by Dec 31!
- CoP | International Conference on Human Rights: Challenges and Solutions [11th Feb 2023] by Maharishi Law School: Submit by Dec 30!
- CfP | Indraprastha Law Review, Vol. III Issue II (ISSN No. 2583-5653): Submit by Jan 30!
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