About Geeta Institute of Law (GIL)
The Institute is located on NH-1, G.T. Road Panipat, just 50 minutes run from Delhi. The institute was granted affiliation by Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra in 2007 and affiliation has been approved by Bar Council of India. Geeta Institute of law is one of the prestigious Law Institute having honored as being the best 27th law college in India by Outlook India Ranking. We are proud of having entered into Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Common Law Admission Test for using CLAT score for admission in Geeta Institute of Law. The method of teaching in GIL includes Lecture Discussion, Case Law Analysis, Moot Court Competitions, Training, Project Assignments, Court Visits and Legal Aid Programmes. The Internship and Placement cell of GIL works throughout the year and provides structured interface in building relationships and networking with legal professionals from the industry.
About GIL Student Law Review
GIL Student Law Review (GSLR) is the flagship journal of Geeta Institute of Law (GIL), affiliated to Kurukshetra University. The journal is an annual, double-blind peer reviewed and edited journal that aims to promote most original and scholarly work in the field of law. The boundaries of the journal are not confined to a specific discipline of law; rather it intends to touch upon all contemporary areas of legal discourse which includes national and international arena.
Note: Being a new journal, it is in process of getting an ISSN number.
Theme for Volume I
GSLR invites well-researched, quality contributions with the cherished object to enhance knowledge quotient and at the same time initiate intellectual dialogue and debate yielding fruitful results. There is no specific theme. The authors are welcome to contribute in the area of contemporary issues.
Types of Submissions
GSLR is accepting submissions from the students of law and Ph.D. scholars in the following categories:
- Long Articles (6000-8000, inclusive of footnotes)
Contributors in this category are intended to extensively engage with a particular legal issue of contemporary relevance while recognizing the lacunae and providing possible suggestions.
- Essays/Short Articles (3000-5000, inclusive of footnotes)
This category targets at the precise analysis of a legal problem which poses serious reconsideration in present social scenario.
- Case and Legislative Comments (1500-2500, inclusive of footnotes)
Authors are intended to present a critical approach to the contemporary legal pronouncements and legislative actions.
General Guidelines for Submission
- Long and short articles must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words.
- There can be a maximum of two authors in one submission.
- All manuscripts must be submitted in English language only.
- The research paper must be original and unpublished work of the author(s).
- The manuscript must be typewritten. The font should be Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, justified alignment (except the title and ‘abstract’ caption which should be centrally aligned).
- Citation format: ILI Rules of Footnoting must be adhered to. The footnotes must be typewritten in the font Times New Roman, font size 10, line spacing 1.0 and justified alignment.
- All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
- Plagiarism above 10 % shall attract immediate disqualification.
Procedure of submission
- All the submissions must be sent in .doc format through electronic mode only by sending an email to editorgslr@geeta.edu.in with the subject “Submission for “GIL Student Law Review” on or before 30th April 2022.
- All the contributors are also required to submit a cover letter containing the following information:
- Name of the author (s)
- Designation of author (s)
- Affiliation of the author (s)
- Contact number
- Title of the paper
- Declaration of originality and previously unpublished work.
Deadline of submission
The contributors have to submit their research work on or before 30th April 2022.
Publication Fees
No publication fee is charged by the Journal.
Contact Us
In case of any queries regarding GSLR, contact the following:
Email address: editorgslr@geeta.edu.in
Join Kanooniyat’s WhatsApp group to get notified immediately. Also, check us out on Instagram and LinkedIn
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