About Campus Law Centre
Link Legal is a full-service law firm with offices in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai and New York. The Firm was established in 1999 and has full-service capability to handhold the clients at various stages of business requirements like incorporation, advising for infrastructure & energy, claims & disputes, management and finance etc.
About the University
Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi is the time-tested legal institution par excellence. It is the national hub of legal studies. Since its inception in 1924, the department has been a leader producing many legal luminaries, Supreme Court and High Court judges, leading advocates, political leaders, policy makers and trendsetters in all walks of life. It is an egalitarian institute providing practically free legal education at a negligible cost. With the unparalleled expertise of faculty members and a multicultural environment, the faculty attracts brilliant students from all over the country and abroad.
Workshop Details
We are delighted to invite you to The International Workshop On Laws Governing Aviation In India to be held on February 22nd & 23rd, 2022.
The workshop is the first of its kind initiative where LINK LEGAL, a leading Indian Law Firm and CAMPUS LAW CENTRE, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, a premier legal institute, have collaborated with a common objective of skilling law students of the next generation and providing them with a necessary platform to add greater value to the high growth aviation industry in India.

Workshop Speakers
- Mr. Amber Dubey – Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India; Vice-Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi National Aviation University (RGNAU)
- 2. Prof. Jeffrey Wool – Secretary General, Aviation Working Group; Partner, Holland & Knight; Sr. Advisor, UNIDROIT
- 3. Ms. Vandana Aggarwal – Sr. Economic Advisor (Retd.), Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India
- 4. Mr. Atul Sharma – Managing Partner, Link Legal
- 5. Prof. (Dr.) Steven Truxal – Professor and Director of the International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden University, The Netherlands
- 6. Prof. (Dr.) V. Balakista Reddy – Professor of International Law and Registrar, Head, Centre for Aerospace and Defence Laws (CADL), NALSAR University of Law, India
- 7. Mr. Anand Srivastava – Partner, Link Legal
- 8. Mr. Richard Hakes – Partner, Reed Smith LLP; Global Chair, Transportation Industry Group
- 9. Ms. Priya Mehra – General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer, Akasa Air
Workshop Brochure
Workshop Benefits
- Participation Certificates will be given to all the registered attendees.
- Selected Law Students will get an Internship Opportunity with Link Legal.
Eligibility Details
Every one who is associated with the legal fraternity or is a law student and has interests in legal field is eligible for attending this workshop.
The workshop will be hosted on Zoom Platform.
Registration Details
Interested attendees may register themselves for the workshop through the following link – CLICK HERE
Fee Details
The workshop is completely free to join.
Date and Time
The workshop will be hosted on Tuesday and Wednesday, 22nd & 23rd of February, 2022 at 3:30 PM IST onwards.
Contact Details:
For any query feel free to email us at 1. events@linklegal.in
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