Home Law StudentsCall for Papers Call for Papers: JUSTITIA Osmania University Law Journal: Submit by December 05, 2022

Call for Papers: JUSTITIA Osmania University Law Journal: Submit by December 05, 2022

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Osmania University Law Journal

About JUSTITIA Osmania University Law Journal

JUSTITIA Osmania University Law Journal (ISSN No: 0447-1954), the flagship publication of University College of Law, Osmania University, is a peer-reviewed biannual journal of law published since 1954. The subscribers of the journal include famous law colleges and institutes across India. JUSTITIA provides a medium for the presentation and proliferation of unique perspectives on current and pressing legal issues. The Journal boasts of Advisory Board comprising of famous legal personalities in India, and aims to main a high academic standard and integrity.

Call for Papers

Submissions in the form of Articles, Essays, Comments and Book Reviews are invited from Academicians, Practitioners and Researcher Scholars in the field of law by the Editorial Board of JUSTITIA, Osmania University Law Journal, for its upcoming issue proposed to be published in December, 2022. 


Academicians, Practitioners and Researcher Scholars in the field of law.

Submission Categories

·         Article: 5,000 – 8,000 words

A complete analysis of a certain subject is expected in the Article. It must examine or analyze the current situation, pointing out the gaps and suggesting viable remedies. The author may adopt a historical, exploratory, comparative, or multi-disciplinary approach to substantiate the argument. The articles with empirical research are encouraged.

·         Essay: 3,000 – 4,000 words

An essay is comparatively succinct than article, and may put forth the idea and the argument of author in a briefer manner.

·         Book Review: 1,000 – 2,500 words

A book review may contain a detailed description, critical analysis of a book’s quality, meaning, and significance.

·         Comment: 1,500 – 2,500 words

Any recent judgement, landmark case, or any current enactment or Bill pending before the Parliament or a State Legislature may be the theme of a Comment.

All the submissions must contain an Abstract of up to 200 words providing a summary of the contribution and up to 5 Keywords. The word limits are exclusive of abstract, endnotes; and the authors are requested to strictly adhere to it.


The theme for submission of manuscripts is any issue relating to the Indian Law, and multidisciplinary issues of current legal significance.

Submission Guidelines

·         All submissions must be made in electronic form in Word format (.doc/.docx) only. The submissions shall be mailed to editorjustitia@gmail.com ; justitiaou@gmail.com with the email subject as ‘JUSTITIA Submission 2022’.

·         Co-authorship is allowed up to a maximum of two persons.

·         All submissions must be accompanied with a Covering Letter stating the Name, Designation and Affiliation of the author/authors; Contact details of the author including email and phone number; and the Title of the Manuscript. The author/s shall mention their particulars only in the Covering Letter and not in the manuscript of submission.

·         The author/s shall submit a Declaration along with the submission stating that the manuscript is their original work, is in compliance of the research ethics and it is not published/submitted for consideration in any other publication. The author/s shall also submit a Brief-Bio about themselves in about 100 words along with their submission.

·         Plagiarism in any form shall result in rejection of the submission, and the decision of the Board of Editors in this matter shall be final.

·         The Board of editors may make changes that are necessary to meet the requirements of space and format of the Journal.

·         The decision on publication of the manuscript would be intimated to the author tentatively within (30) Thirty days of receipt of the submission.

Formatting Guidelines

·         The Title of the manuscript should be Arial font, size 14; the Abstract should be Arial font, size 11 italic style; and the Body of manuscript should be Arial font, size 12 with 1.5 spacing and justified alignment. The Endnotes and References should be in Arial font, size 10 with single spacing.

·         The submission of Article or Essay must contain an Abstract of up to 150 words. There shall be no endnote/citation included in the abstract.

·         The submissions shall adhere to The Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA), Fourth Edition 2012. The author/s may refer to the OSCOLA Quick Reference Guide for guidance. The citations shall be in the form of endnotes only, and followed by References, if required.

·         Endnotes should be numbered in sequential order and References, if any, shall be listed in the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order. The Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the endnotes/references.Proper citation of the source of literature used in the manuscript must be indicated in the endnotes/references.

·         The author/s may include acknowledgements, if any, at the end of the article before the beginning of the endnotes.

Submission Deadline:

Last date for submission of manuscripts is 05-12-2022. Early submissions are encouraged. Submissions made after the deadline would not be considered for the upcoming issue.

Please NOTE that there is NO COST/CHARGES to be paid for Publication in the Journal.


The Chief Editor, JUSTITIA Osmania University Law Journal,

University College of Law, Osmania University.

Email: editorjustitia@gmail.com ; justitiaou@gmail.com For more information: Dr. S. B. Md. Irfan Ali Abbas (09848885394)


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