About Think India
Think India is known as a premiere student organization that endeavours to provide learning platform to students from various disciplines with a view to encourage and promote thorough and relevant academic discussions by way of undertaking various incentives time and again.
The core motive of the organization lies in increasing participation of elite institutes of the country in the process nation-building by the inculcation of nationalistic spirit in the students of the country.
About the Event
Think India NLUJA Assam, Presents Essay Writing Competition on the occasion of Science Day.
Science Day is observed annually on February 28th, to mark and honour Sir C.V. Raman for raising public awareness of science in our daily lives.
Science and technology play a critical role in the functioning and understanding of the lives that we live. As such it is very important to develop a scientific attitude and nurture it. Science and Technology also play a very crucial role in the justice delivery system of our nation.
In order to further discuss the role of Science and Technology in the field of law and justice delivery system, Think India NLUJA Assam is organising an ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION on the theme Technology as an enabler of law and Justice We invite you all to actively participate in this event.

The winner will be awarded a certificate of merit. All registered participants will get a certificate of participation.
Submission Link –CLICK HERE
The last date for submission is 28th February till 11:59 PM.
Submission guidelines
1.The essay should consist of a maximum 1500 words, exclusive of footnotes.
2.Font – Times New Roman; Size 12 for Text, 10 for Footnotes.
3. Line spacing – 1.5 for text and single for footnotes.
4. Citation and references can be in any form, but there should be one throughout yourassignment.
5 Send your submissions in word document format.
7. Plagiarism should not be more than 10%.
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