National Seminar by School of Law, Mody University: Register by June 04!
About School of Law , Mody University
The Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh, Rajasthan is an ‘Exclusively for Women’ University and is a Numero-Uno as it has been adjudged as one of the best Universities amongst allWomen Universities in South Asia. The university has world class infrastructure, sprawled over 275 acres. It is basically devoted to the ‘Empowerment of Women’.
The objective of the School of Law (SOL), Mody University is to equip women with legal armory and human values so that they can serve the society as competent and thoughtful lawyers. The profession has a noble quality attached to it as one gets the chance to give something back to the society while practicing law.
The School of Law has also received ‘Institutional Excellence Award’ in 2016.The Award was given by Hon’ble Justice Jasti Chelameswar, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India.
About Seminar
‘Where women are worshipped, Deity dwell there’
Women occupied a better, extolled status in society during Vedic period. They enjoyed all types of freedom and occupied many higher and important positions in the society. Some of the versus of Rigveda have been written by female Rishis (known as Brahamvadinis). With the passage of time position of women deteriorated and their liberties were drastically curtailed.
During last three centuries, there were certain movements in the society to elevate the status of women in India, like moment initiated by Shri Vidhyasagar, Shri Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Shri Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekanand, Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule, Mahatma Gandhi and others. But all these efforts have proved very little and they did not bear much fruit. But they aimed to elevate the position of women in the society and to revive good traditions of the society. Such movements were related to remarriages of widows, women education, prohibition on Sati Pratha, veil system preventing in the society. As a result of which the Bengal Sati regulation was passed on December 4, 1829 and by the Independent India- The Sati (Prevention) Act in 1987. Simultaneously, the criminal laws were passed during British period which also included various provisions relating of offences/ violence against women – e.g. The Indian Penal Code passed in 1860, has such provisions, such as to outrage the modesty of women kidnaps, Abduction, wrongful restraint and confinement etc. The Criminal Procedure Code passed in 1898 provided for the special procedure for women offenders and in-camera proceedings. Later on the Dowery (Prohibition) Act was passed in 1961 to eradicate the pernicious dowry practice from our society.
The Indian Constitution, which came into effect on January 26, 1950, introduced the equality of status and opportunities (Article 14 to 18) and Justice -Social, Economic and Political and liberty of thought, expression and belief (Article 19 to 22). But these provisions did not bring the desired changes in the Status of women. The Constitutional armoury and myriad Act passed by the Indian Parliament could not cut much ice and could not elevate the social and economic status of Indian women.
Therefore, we are organizing this Seminar to hold threadbare discussion about the status of women in India in the light of national and international laws. This platform would also examine the inequality prevailing in the society in spite of plethora of laws. We hope that the Seminar will come out with useful and fruitful suggestions.
Above identified sub themes are only illustrative. Participants may select relative topics of their choice covered under the main theme.
Submission Guidelines
- Submissions must be made in Microsoft Office (doc./docx.) formats only.
- The submission must be the original work of the authors and should be free from all grammatical and spelling errors. It must comprehensively analyze the Theme of the Journal.
- The manuscript body must be in the font ‘Times New Roman,’ font-size 12, line spacing 1.5, and the text should be justified.
- All footnotes must be in Font ‘Times New Roman’, font size 10, line spacing 1.5, and justified.
- All submissions must follow the Bluebook (21st Edition).
- Non-conformity will be a ground for rejection.
- All the articles must carry an abstract of not more than 250 words.
- The article may be of 3500 words to 8000 words.
- Maximum two authors are allowed.
Important Dates
Abstract submission- April 22, 2022
Full Paper/Last date of Registration: April 27, 2022
Participation details
Registration Fee: Rs. 200 including Lunch and participation certificate
To Register: Fill the annexed Registration form
Accommodation: Provided on request and is payable (Before April 27, 2022)
Payment Details
Bank Name: Punjab National Bank
Branch: Lakshmangarh – 332311, Distt.-Sikar (Raj.)
A/c Holder Name: MUST – School of Law
A/c Number: 11932091000057 (SB A/C)
IFSC Code: PUNB0119310
The Abstract, Full paper and payment receipt shall be sent to; for confirmation.
Note: We intend to publish a book on Status of women. Selected articles will be included in that book which will be peer reviewed book. Selection/Rejection of paper will be duly intimated to participants.
Contact Us
+91 94140-47320, +91 97849-72573, +91 93588-42201
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