About CCLA NLU Jodhpur
?The Centre for Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law (CCAL) is established under the patronage of the Vice Chancellor of National Law University Jodhpur, Professor Poonam Pradhan Saxena. The Centre publishes its flagship Journal and Blog under the guidance of our Director, Professor I.P. Massey and members of the Advisory Board such as Former CJI M.N. Venkatachaliah, Senior Advocate Rajeev Dhawan and Professor Timothy Endicott amongst others. We attempt to create a niche in the field of comparative constitutional law and administrative law discourse by discussing existing precedents and the constant changes that are taking place in the field. Our endeavour is to promote a wide-scale engagement not only limited to students pursuing law, but also academicians and other legal luminaries alike.
Any debate on constitutional and administrative law would typically involve aspects of law, politics as well as philosophy. It is this that makes this sphere of law so fascinating, along with the fact that it has the ability to influence the lives of people from all sections of society, in a way few others can. Thus, it is not altogether uncommon to find people who are not necessarily lawyers or policymakers debating a constitutional law topic over a newspaper and a cup of tea, sometimes without even realizing that they are doing so! Constitutions decide how our leaders must conduct themselves and how they can act in the discharge of their functions. Besides this, how much privacy we are entitled to in our daily lives, to what extent we can express what we want to, even who we can marry, are all at their core, constitutional law questions.
We attempt to share discussions from countries that are not traditionally English speaking, in the English language, so that readers of the journal can benefit from diverse views. This includes developing countries like our own, where there is a need to promote research and writing so as to be better represented in academic discourse.
About the Speaker
Dr. Arvind Elangovan is currently an Associate Professor of History at the Wright State University, Ohio after having earned his Ph.D in history from the University of Chicago. He is interested in exploring the political and constitutional histories of late-colonial South Asian countries and his book, “Norms and Politics: Sir Benegal Narsing Rau in the Making of the Indian Constitution, 1935-50” documents the framing of the Indian Constitution as seen from the eyes of Sir B.N. Rau. Presently Dr. Elangovan is engaged in a new project, examining the role played by religious minorities in shaping the Indian republic in the 20th century and was awarded a research fellowship by the International Centre for Advanced Studies to pursue it.
About the Event
The guest lecture shall be hosted on a video conferencing platform, Cisco WebEx. Interested participants are required to register by filling out the form available here. This lecture is open for all students and members of the legal fraternity to attend. No registration fee is required to attend the same. The link for the lecture and other details (if any) shall be communicated to the registering participants via email.
Session Date and Timings – 5:00 PM on February 28, 2022 (Monday).

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