About ILS Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (ILSCA)
The ILS Centre for Arbitration (ILSCA) was established on 3rd December 2016 by the Governing Council of the Indian Law Society. This Centre is established with the sole purpose of providing facilities for settlement of disputes through different methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
There is a movement amongst legal communities all over the world and India is no exception – to encourage the culture of institutional arbitration in India, which will go a long way to redress the institutional and systemic discontent that has seriously affected the growth of arbitration.
Currently in the Indian context, most of the parties chose to proceed with ad hoc arbitrations, particularly with regard to domestic arbitrations. In ad hoc arbitration, the parties have the choice of drafting their own rules and procedures, to fit the needs of their dispute.
Institutional arbitration, on the other hand, is in which a specialized institution, intervenes and assumes the functions of aiding and administering the arbitral process, to resolve the disputes between the parties according to the rules of such institution. Basically, the contours and the procedures of the arbitral proceedings are determined by such institutions, who frame their own rules for facilitating institutional arbitration. Such institutions also provide qualified arbitrators, domain experts, empanelled with the institution.
Currently, besides the Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration, Mumbai, there is no such Centre in Maharashtra, which can cater to parties who can opt for institutional arbitration. The Management of the Indian Law Society recommended launching of the Centre to facilitate Institutional Arbitration and Institutional Mediation. It will be a joint effort between ILSCA and the domestic and international business communities located in and around Pune and in Maharashtra generally.
ILSCA is a neutral, independent, non-profit organization, which will facilitate the impartial administration of arbitration proceedings.
ILSCA is a first-of-its-kind arbitral and mediation institution in India, attached to ILS Law College which is a premier institution in the country, acclaimed for quality legal education with a prodigious history of nearly 100 glorious years of history.
About the Competition
ILS Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (ILSCA) in association with ADR ODR International is organizing a two-day Inter-College Mediation Competition, INTERCESSIONIS, 2022, along with a one-day workshop. This is a one of a kind competition facilitating the teams to showcase their skills and put theory into practice in the dynamic area of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR).
This competition will witness 18 teams from law colleges all over India; pitching their analytical skills to tackle tactfully-drafted and diverse mediation problems, adjudged by reputed personalities from the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution. The tournament aims to highlight the role of the mediator, the client and the attorney in a mediation session with a view to promote ODR as the new normal. The competition will be conducted virtually this year.

INTERCESSIONIS, 2022 will be held on 19th and 20th March 2022. The day prior to the competition, i.e. 18th March, 2022 will see a one-day mediation workshop.
The 5th edition of the competition will be held virtually via Google Meet.
Rules of the Competition
The rule book for the competition can be found here:
General Information of the problems for preliminary rounds, quarter-final round, semi-final round and final rounds will be posted HERE
The teams can register by accessing this Google form:
The link shall be active from 11th February, 2022 to 21st February, 2022.
Upon acceptance of the team’s application by the Organizing Committee, the selected team must pay the full registration fee which is Rs. 6500 exclusive of GST (18%) per team within the deadline as provided for in the confirmation mail sent to the team. There will be no refund of the registration fee under any circumstances, except unless the competition is called off due to unforeseen events and the reason for the same will be provided by the Organizing Committee.
Selection Criteria
It is the sole discretion of the Indian Law Society’s Management and organizing committee to decide which teams are eligible to participate in the competition upon reviewing the skills of the entire team in the field of ADR. Hence, it is advised that the teams make sure that they state their ADR experience carefully while registering for the competition.
The Final list of participating teams will be announced on our Facebook page and the selected teams shall also be mailed accordingly.
Important Dates
Activation of the Link of the Google Form for Registration: 11th February, 2022
Last Date for Registrations: 21st February, 2022
Release of the Final List of Participating Teams in the Competition: 25th February, 2022
Contact Details
Faculty Co-Ordinator:
Mrs. Sathya Narayan: ials@ilslaw.in
Student Convenors:
Nirali Hamirwasia: nirali.p.h@gmail.com (+91 8007141098)
Onjula Chatterjee: onjula.chatterjee0@gmail.com (+91 9922230469)
Access the official INTERCESSIONIS, 2021 brochure here: CLICK HERE
In case of any queries or procurement of information, drop an email at our email id: intercessionis.ilsca@gmail.com
Join Kanooniyat’s WhatsApp group to get notified immediately. Also, check us out on Instagram and LinkedIn
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