Lex Humanitariae is pleased to bring the third instalment of one of the most popular legal quiz competitions. The IIIrd National Legal Quiz-Word Competition is set to be held on 6th February 2022.
About The Journal Lex Humanitariae
Lex Humanitariae: Journal for a Change (ISSN: 2582-5216) is a leading international peer-reviewed Law Journal. Presently, the editorial and review board of the Journal consists of experienced lawyers, academicians and law students from reputed institutions.
Lex Humanitariae: Journal for a Change has established its presence in the international publishing industry with contributions by Judges, lawyers, academicians, researchers & students from across the globe, including countries like USA, UK, Germany, Sri Lanka, Egypt et al. The Journal is indexed in 16 national/international databases and has been accredited with an international impact factor of 5.042 for the evaluation year 2020
About The Quiz
The IIIrd National Legal Quiz-word Competition will see widespread coverage on media platforms and shall be concluded by an official prize distribution ceremony through the virtual mode. In order to facilitate and encourage legal knowledge, Lex Humanitariae has decided to award cash prizes, internship opportunities among other perks to the winners.
The initiative is aimed at providing a platform for law enthusiasts & students to test their knowledge in the legal field. National Legal Quiz-Word Competition is a step in the same direction and has been based on the theme of Contemporary Legal Developments.

Quiz Details
- Mode of Quiz: Online
- Total Time: 35 Mins.
- Total no. Question: 45 Questions
- Registration Fee: Rs. 149
- Contemporary Legal Developments
- Winner: Cash prize of Rs. 700/ + Certificate of Excellence +Internship & Editorial opportunity with Lex Humanitariae + Shoutout on our website and social media handles + 50% off in next Publication.
- Runners Up: Cash prize of Rs. 400/- + Certificate of Excellence +Internship & Editorial opportunity with Lex Humanitariae + Shoutout on our website and social media handles + 50% off in next Publication
- 2nd Runners Up: Cash prize of Rs. 250/- + Certificate of Excellence + Internship & Editorial opportunity with Lex Humanitariae + Shoutout on our website and social media handles + 50% off in next Publication
- Subsequent 10 Performers: Certificate of Merit + 20% off in Publication.
- Certificate of Participation to all other Participants.
- 10% off on online courses by Katog to all the participants.
Registration Details
For Registration, Click Here
- Payment receipt of the Registration fee must be attached wherever needed in the form.
- The acknowledgment of Participation shall be mailed within 24 hrs. of registration
Or, in case you find difficulty with form registration, submit your details along with a payment screenshot via email to editor@lexhumanitariae.co.in.
- The subject of the mail shall be “Registration- National Legal Quiz”
- The details of the authors, including their names, contact details (email id and phone number), name of the institution, course, year, or their profession/designation (as the case may be), shall be provided in the body of the mail.
Mode of Payment
The participants registering for the Competition are requested to make the payment of Rs. 149/- through either of the following modes:
- UPI ID: 9818443267@upi
- Paytm/ PhonePe/ Google Pay at 9818443267 (In the care of Mr. Tushar Seth)
- Or, Account transfers available on request (only in exceptional cases)
- The quiz will be conducted online.
- Participants can participate in the quiz from anywhere with the use of a Laptop or Mobile Phone.
Rules & Regulations
- The quiz will comprise 45 MCQs to be attempted in 35 minutes and in one go.
- Every question will carry 01 mark &there will be no negative marking.
- The quiz will be based on Contemporary legal developments.
- The quiz is open to everyone.
- Participation as a team is not allowed.
- All certificates shall be in digital form and will be sent on the e-mail id provided in the google form.
- The decision of the organisers shall be final and binding in relation to any matter connected with the competition.
Important Dates
- Last Date for Registration: 5th February 2022
- Date of the Online Quiz Competition: 6th February 2022
- Time of Quiz (tentative): 6 PM
- Declaration of Result: 8th February 2022.
Contact Details
In case of any query, feel free to contact us:
- Email: editor@lexhumanitariae.co.in
- Call/WhatsApp: +91 8447561411
Join Kanooniyat’s WhatsApp group to get notified immediately. Also, check us out on Instagram and LinkedIn
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